The Wii and females...

Don't you guys feel threatened, seems like she wants to play with your Wii more than your wee, plus she thinks its cute.

Joking matters aside, I currently do not have a girlfriend at the time, but I can say the girls I'm friends with right now all love the system and constantly want to come over and play it. For once I'm actually considering getting party-type games, which usually in the past I don't get and because of that, I'm buying more games than I normally would with a system (I mostly do rentals). I would definitely say Nintendos plan is working well.
stuckshut said:
My wife hates gaming, but loves the Wii. I'm pretty sure she's going to get Master Surgeon in every chapter of Trauma Center or die trying.

Chapter 6, episode 9 is IMPOSSIBLE. >_<

Anyway, yes I have noticed that females like the Wii also. Alot of my friends who are female not only like the system, but they have one too. This is what Nintendo has been trying to do, and it is actually working. My grandparents played golf and LOVED it. They are realy making it apealing to non-gamers, which is probably the smartest thing to do in the video gameing industry, since there are alot more non-gamers in the world than there are gamers.
i play my wii with my sister all the time

now we've formed a bond between eachother and we want to go out but we're family:)
you know, my **** buddy now doesn't need one because of her wii. she said she was going to call me when she was bored with her wii. she got one shortly after launch and i haven't heard from her since, her and her friends are addicted.

Girls love this thing.
My friend in Oz claims his dog stole his wiimote from the sofa when he put it down for a min. (Must be cause he was waving it around?)... Anyway his dog is a *****. Therefore proving the wii isn't just appealing to the opposite sex. It appeals to females of entire other species too. Thats good marketing by nintendo .
so maybe the wii is kinda cute. its so small xDD okay... sorry for my 'girl' moment.. anyway, i agree that girls like it maybe because it doesnt have much buttons on it. lol its not 'confusing' yah know? we dont like confusing stuff -_-.. we like SIMPLE things. :] well like i was saying.. the games for the Wii are more cute now. lol like Cooking Mama, WiiPlay.. Wario.. stuff like that.. i loves it :]
My mom still thinks the Wiimote is confusing, she always asks me what buttons to push when a 'A' or 'B' is flashing on the screen.

Still I dont blame Nintendo for that. Its just fun to see her play videogames for the first time. When I compare scores, she actually played WAY more games with Wii Sports then me. But I was occupied with Zelda for a while.

Regarding the gf's having sore bodies after playing with the Wii, it gives you a good excuse to give her a good massage.

Cooking Mama???
Not only do girlfriends like it, but my girlfriend's mom likes it too, she's never even played a video game before.

We were playing WiiSports Bowling, four of us, girlfriend, her mom & dad, and me, I finally got my bowling score up to 178, my girlfriend who hasn't played that much got a 204! and her mom, who's never ever ever played a video game owned my high score in bowling...both me and her dad were quite ashamed.
I was really not expecting to want the Wii but my boyfriend dragged me to Gamestop and/or EB games and make me try it out and I really liked it. It was just so much different than the other consoles that had previously been out. I had been expecting it to be like the Gamecube, which I never had much interest in.
Ha, I'm glad to say I've been a Nintendo fan since I've been able to hold an NES controller in my hand. ^_^

But I do agree! Nintendo is doing a great job with pushing gaming into a girlier world, what with the Pink DS lite and all.

Maybe I'll actually find some friends who are girls... ;_;
My wife loves the Wii, and she is totally addicted to Zelda, which amazes me because she has NEVER liked any sort of shooting or strategy game before. She liked the mario party games on our gamecube.

Another friend plays a lot of tennis in real life, and she loves the wii, especially wii sports (tennis obviously).

I think nintendo scored big time here, finally they are getting "non-gamers" to play.
Funny cause I get hounded all the time u gonna play the wii u gonna play the wii god she is on it more then I am thinking def a womens system they just let us men play with it when they arn't lol