wii balls

heres a pic of the soon to be release wiigina.

you can see that the wiimote is already inserted into it


this is kinda getting out of hand, if i insulted anybody, i apollogize, im not a perverted person at all, just when i saw wiigina, i automatically thought of this
d_k said:
hahaha a wiigina would be cool it would be the wii control holder lol

Consider when I first found out there was an Internet Browser on my Wii I went to Google and typed in Porn. (THE FIRST THING me and my roommates did after dling it)

Clicked on One picture, saw there was a Zoom in function, and said "Wii have PORN!"

I think a wiigina would fit right in.
Beautiful. Glad I can inspire.

But seriously, My gf was nagging me to do things with her, I want to come over, I want to go out to a improv club. And my roommate said something, so I was like well I have a Wii, and the Wii loves me, and I am able to enjoy myself and relax. Wii also doesn't yell at me, and occasionally reminds me to go outside and take in sunlight. I can order Pizza on my Wii, and Wii also has porn. So, what do I need a gf for? Sex? If she was good at it maybe.
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Arauna said:
Beautiful. Glad I can inspire.

But seriously, My gf was nagging me to do things with her, I want to come over, I want to go out to a improv club. And my roommate said something, so I was like well I have a Wii, and the Wii loves me, and I am able to enjoy myself and relax. Wii also doesn't yell at me, and occasionally reminds me to go outside and take in sunlight. I can order Pizza on my Wii, and Wii also has porn. So, what do I need a gf for? Sex? If she was good at it maybe.[/Q

Looks like somebody's playing video games way too much.