wii + 360 experiences


Dec 13, 2006
i was thinking about multiplayer the other day and i came up with the thought:
"The wii is the console for splitscreen 360 online."
now the reason i think this is because... take wii sports when you invite your pals over and have a wii part it's soo fun because your like oh yeah i totally killed you in tennis!! and it is the best splitscreen system because of the experience it gives off. but wii tennis online? would'nt be as good.
Now when you play GRAW with a friend splitscreen you knida just get frustrated.
stop doing that!! etc...
but when you play GRAW online it feels better and it is better.
Now tell me if you had a wii party and then had a 360 party(not via XBL)
the wii is gonna be better.
the only way the 360 party could be better is if the guy had like 16 consoles and did system link but you have to prety rich to do that.:prrr:
now i dont know why i wanted to right this but i did...deal with it:) \now tell me how many off you guys disagree with me in this field?
please dont flame me...:(
it hate flamers:mad2:
I agree with you on the N-Wii part, but just becuz the 360 is good on online play doesnt mean it cant be good on splitscreen, for example: SVR07, DOA, dang i guess you are right, becuz i cant even name more than 2 games!!!
Probaly cuz i dont have a 360!!!
But yes, you are right about the N-Wii part!
i agree, though the best splitscreen (or couch games, not always splitscreen) on the 360 is the arcade titles, old school fun! (Smash TV, Small Arms, Boom Boom Rocket, Street Fighter, Alien Hominid, and more!)
360 is awsome for online console play but that seems to stray them from split-screen...

What's with games that have co-op online yet no regular co-op? (Crackdown)
Or Motor Storm on the PS3 with an online-mode that would be suitable for regular multi-player?

Even if the games are worst on the Wii they'll always be more fun and multi-player suited just because of the controlls, much more atmospheric/intuative.

I agree that the 360 (and PS3) are best their online.
Wii better with it's splitscreen multi-player.
But the Wii will be weak online yet the 360/PS3 can be decent in multi-player. Wii seems both hardware lacking (to weak) and attention lacking in their weak area yet the 360 and PS3 are only slightly lacking (no special controllers) and attention lacking in their weak area.
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Both have their merits.
Due to the nature of the games on 360 I think it suffers in split-screen. i.e. gears of war becomes a little harder to play split-screen because your sight is limited. (although gears of war co-op on "insane" is truly an amazing experience.)
But the simplistic nature of wii games makes them totally ideal for 1 console multiplayer fun. Personally I can't wait for Wii Sports to go online :D (Wii sports 2 or whatever it will be)
StevenNevets said:
360 is awsome for online console play but that seems to stray them from split-screen...

What's with games that have co-op online yet no regular co-op? (Crackdown)
Or Motor Storm on the PS3 with an online-mode that would be suitable for regular multi-player?

Even if the games are worst on the Wii they'll always be more fun and multi-player suited just because of the controlls, much more atmospheric/intuative.

I agree that the 360 (and PS3) are best their online.
Wii better with it's splitscreen multi-player.
But the Wii will be weak online yet the 360/PS3 can be decent in multi-player. Wii seems both hardware lacking (to weak) and attention lacking in their weak area yet the 360 and PS3 are only slightly lacking (no special controllers) and attention lacking in their weak area.
i <3 360 controllers and think they are as good as they get
where as i dont like ps controllers as much..
It really depends on which game you're playing online. For example i played online with Halo, and they just swear, cuss, scream, all the ugly stuff. But for most of them, it would be best online. Good Thread and nice topic.

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Sovieto said:
i agree, though the best splitscreen (or couch games, not always splitscreen) on the 360 is the arcade titles, old school fun! (Smash TV, Small Arms, Boom Boom Rocket, Street Fighter, Alien Hominid, and more!)
I agree with you. although nintendo kinda dominates in "old school fun!".
I actually have never played much of the arcade titles(to lazy to buy m$ points) but yeah!
Can someone name some good "couch"(or splitscreen) games for 360?

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