Trading my Wii for a 360 Elite

i sold my 360 elite for the wii lol. since all my friends play brawl and have wii themselves is why i sold mine... the game play is different too which makes it more interesting. when it comes to online play, i still believe computer online gaming is still better. All consoles have thier negatives and positive, but its everyone's own preference whether they like the graphics, the game play, online gaming, games, what they can afford, etc.
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Its a pretty good deal again depending on the PC your selling. I figured it at 450 bucks worth of Nintendo gear + a PC for

450 dollar 360 elite plus about 300 bucks worth of games.
Not a bad deal at all specially considering the price it would be to try to buy these games new.

The 60 and 70 dollar price tags for the 360/ps3 "top" sellers really turn me off.

Although the used stuff for 360/ps3 seems to be pretty good deals and very plentiful. I see them everyware as compared to Nintendo used items that they keep boosted up in price because of low quanities.

Why is it the self proclaimed "hardcore" system owners only keep a game till they finnish it then hurry to trade them right in? Doesn't seem very "hardcore", but maybe its just me. :lol:
If anything hardcore players trade more. They are not satisfied keeping games that will not be used much anymore. While "softcore" players wouldn't care less if they don't play it again.

But I don't trade any of my games in simply because I don't like getting ripped off.
T3kNi9e said:
If anything hardcore players trade more. They are not satisfied keeping games that will not be used much anymore. While "softcore" players wouldn't care less if they don't play it again.

But I don't trade any of my games in simply because I don't like getting ripped off.

Like on late night cable television?

Since i sell the games i don't play anymore, does that make me hardcore?!?!?!

Hardcore, XXX style?
T3kNi9e said:
If anything hardcore players trade more. They are not satisfied keeping games that will not be used much anymore. While "softcore" players wouldn't care less if they don't play it again.

But I don't trade any of my games in simply because I don't like getting ripped off.

Whats getting ripped off about it? You buy it you finnish it you move on put it on the shelf for a coupel months or years down the road to go back too it like with anything else.

Whats "hardcore" about trading something in? If thats the case why not rent games? Your not helping sales numbers of any company simply by buying them then trading them in, someone else will just snatch up the used copy at a fraction of the price and its sale will not bennefit anyone but the re-saler like gamestop making a profit twice off the same game.
No other entertianment source works this way on the same scale as Video games. Music, Movies, Books. They don't have nearly the same re-sale rate as Video games all of them are normally collected and kept for the life of the product and rarely resold comparatively.

That just makes the proclaimed "Hardcore Gamers" a sad mark on the industry effectively using the system but not really supporting it beyond console sales, even then trading up for the next best thing.

Honeslty I don't see that as hardcore. More or less Video Game Frat boys moving on to the next big fad of the market. Maybe we should just change the name of the current "hardcore" to "gaming junkies" doing anything to get their next fix, not carring about anything else in the end.
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Lol just like your ass to make a huge post about something small as hell.

You get ripped off because you buy a game for $60 and you trade it in for $25

Also what does that cartoon have to do with trading games?
T3kNi9e said:
Lol just like your ass to make a huge post about something small as hell.

You get ripped off because you buy a game for $60 and you trade it in for $25

Also what does that cartoon have to do with trading games?

I didn't even care, your the one who kept it going. :lol: I wasn't trying to start a new debate or even a conversation for that matter, I was just saying my opinion and how I find it funny that alot of self proclaimed "hardcore" gamers don't add much to the gaming industry because of these habbits.

But if its only worth 60 dollars for it because you get a 25 dollar trade in why buy it in the first place?Why not just wait till the price drops to 35 bucks? All they are doing by this is letting the gaming world know to keep on pushing up prices, when you don't think its worth that much.

The Cartoon has nothing to do with trading just shows my view of the "personality" of the majority of people that claim to be "hardcore" gamers these days.
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lol that was my bad, I'll call myself out.
I read it too fast and didn't even pay attention.
But that's the exact attitude of the "hardcore" players I bump into at Gamestop/EBgames, Bringing in a stack of 6 older games in order to get one new game. They have a rotating stock of 5 to 6 games at anyone time although they paid full price for probably 40 of them since the had the console. I don't get it, Maybe it's just my area but I notice it all the time, even in conversation of what games someone has or "had" played.
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T3kNi9e said:
If anything hardcore players trade more.

Hell no. The majority of people I see trading games are small little kids and their moms trading in their shitty old PS2 games to buy garbage like Carnival Games/some other minigame filled collection.

Barely do I ever see someone trading in games to get a hot new game/preorder a game coming out soon.
Just yesterday I saw a guy atleast 22-25 trade in 7 360/ps3 games just to pre-order Too Human.. they are sitting there saying ya this ones worth 17, this ones 8 this ones 22 bucks... Im like Jesus throw a collection, good or bad away for spare change compared to what they cost.
Same guy was wearing a tournament t-shirt so its not like he is new to gaming. I couldn't do it. I sold one game setup and that was my Gamegear with like 6 games back when i was 12 beyond that I have never sold one thing video game related in my life. I still regret letting the Gamegear go to this day.
VidyaVince said:
Hell no. The majority of people I see trading games are small little kids and their moms trading in their shitty old PS2 games to buy garbage like Carnival Games/some other minigame filled collection.

Barely do I ever see someone trading in games to get a hot new game/preorder a game coming out soon.

Lol, I see it all the time... Also, if you were right then you would never see top selling games like Gears of War and Halo 3 used being sold. People trade them in, even the most highest rated games get traded in, "hardcore" players are known to buy more than a casual player. Which why some people say the 360 has a higher attach rate. More games = more games to trade in. Also if someone is "Hardcore" they want to play alot more games than the average joe, so they are willing to trade in games to get the newer things being released. There's ALOT of people who played Halo 3 and traded it in because Halo 3 isn't their style of gaming. Same with CoD4 or someone who got tired of Bioshock.