Why I want the next, Next Gen Wars to be more equal!


Wii New and Reviews
Nov 28, 2006
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Why I want the next, Next Gen Wars to be more equal!

So as of right now the Next Gen war looks boring it has the 360 out front but the Wii almost 50% caught up to it (in just 4 months) and the PS3 is dead and costs way to much.

The Wii is helping Nintendo become the best in the Next Gen war but with all these gapes in units sold between the three systems is this a good thing? I don’t think it is. Ok if you look at most Console wars there’s always one console that owns the rest by the end, first it was the Nintendo, then the Super Nintendo, then the PS1 then the PS2 and now the 360 (but not for long).

Most Fanboys say it’s a great thing but boy are they wrong. Look at it this way Back when the Gamecube was losing badly in the last gen wars they lined up the Wii’s first years with games games and more games but after the Wii was priced at 260 and the PS3 at 600. Nintendo lightened up on its game dates Dragon Quest was pushed back until like spring/Summer. Then Mario Galaxy was pushed back into the Fall, then Super Smash was pushed back into November. Then Mario Party was pushed back until the summer and I bet even more games get pushed back, why is Nintendo doing this? Well there could be many reasons for this but I bet one reason is why do we need more good games out if our competition is putting out crap? Ok lets look at the 360 games coming out for the beginning of the year, ok Crackdown ummm ok, Ghost Recon (another gun game, screw that I have Gears of War) and Virtual fighter (no online no point in me wasting 60 bucks on this game)
What does Sony have coming out Lair (looks like a great game but the system costs too much to get this game), Fear (I can get it on the 360) and Oblivion (on the PC and 360)
So why should Nintendo put out Mario Galaxy, Mario Party and Super Smash if they really don’t need too?
So if the PS3 had Devil May Cry and Kingdom Hearts coming out in the next to months and the 360 had Mass Effect and GTA 4 coming out soon, Nintendo would be pressured to put out Mario Party and Mario Galaxy.
So this is why I wish the Next Gen wars were more close because we would have more good games coming out on all 3 systems and the games coming out early then they would be now. For Gamers it’s a Win Win situation and we would see more great games coming out for all 3 systems. So I hope in the next Next Gen Wars all 3 systems are at 100% so we see more and better games.
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JerrodDRagon said:
Why I want the next, Next Gen Wars to be more equal!

So as of right now the Next Gen war looks boring it has the 360 out front but the Wii almost 50% caught up to it (in just 4 months) and the PS3 is dead and costs way to much.

The Wii is helping Nintendo become the best in the Next Gen war but with all these gapes in units sold between the three systems is this a good thing? I don’t think it is. Ok if you look at most Console wars there’s always one console that owns the rest by the end, first it was the Nintendo, then the Super Nintendo, then the PS1 then the PS2 and now the 360 (but not for long).

Most Fanboys say it’s a great thing but boy are they wrong. Look at it this way Back when the Gamecube was losing badly in the last gen wars they lined up the Wii’s first years with games games and more games but after the Wii was priced at 260 and the PS3 at 600. Nintendo lightened up on its game dates Dragon Quest was pushed back until like spring/Summer. Then Mario Galaxy was pushed back into the Fall, then Super Smash was pushed back into November. Then Mario Party was pushed back until the summer and I bet even more games get pushed back, why is Nintendo doing this? Well there could be many reasons for this but I bet one reason is why do we need more good games out if our competition is putting out crap? Ok lets look at the 360 games coming out for the beginning of the year, ok Crackdown ummm ok, Ghost Recon (another gun game, screw that I have Gears of War) and Virtual fighter (no online no point in me wasting 60 bucks on this game)
What does Sony have coming out Lair (looks like a great game but the system costs too much to get this game), Fear (I can get it on the 360) and Oblivion (on the PC and 360)
So why should Nintendo put out Mario Galaxy, Mario Party and Super Smash if they really don’t need too?
So if the PS3 had Devil May Cry and Kingdom Hearts coming out in the next to months and the 360 had Mass Effect and GTA 4 coming out soon, Nintendo would be pressured to put out Mario Party and Mario Galaxy.
So this is why I wish the Next Gen wars were more close because we would have more good games coming out on all 3 systems and the games coming out early then they would be now. For Gamers it’s a Win Win situation and we would see more great games coming out for all 3 systems. So I hope in the next Next Gen Wars all 3 systems are at 100% so we see more and better games.
ps3 also has warhawk
those games werent all pointed at launch, the only other one that was MP3, the rest were planning to come out in 2007..
and have you played ghost recon? its very different from just another shooter..
do you have a 360?
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^no becuase Im waiting for Halo 3, and Mass effect.
The only real 360 I've played and like is Gears of War, I've played other gun games and tried of them, I just want to play a few gun games not freakin 100, to me Ghost Recon is just another gun game I can live with out. For fans of Gun games the 360 is great but Im into more adventure games with storys not games that you go around killing people.
JerrodDRagon said:
^no becuase Im waiting for Halo 3, and Mass effect.
The only real 360 I've played and like is Gears of War, I've played other gun games and tried of them, I just want to play a few gun games not freakin 100, to me Ghost Recon is just another gun game I can live with out. For fans of Gun games the 360 is great but Im into more adventure games with storys not games that you go around killing people.
oh well because ive played ghost recon and didnt like it because its very different
(its all about scoping out before attacking)
I was thinking the same thing about Wii games although I wish Kingdom Hearts was on the Wii not the PS3 if they make it. Or atleast keep it on the PS2.

Edit:I don't want to pay 600 bucks to play another KH, Bouncer(please make another one because I'm still playing the first one now) or DBZ.
next gen wars should track sales from the point where all three consoles were available as well as overall sales. That would show the wii well in front... ;)
BrandonMcAuslan said:
next gen wars should track sales from the point where all three consoles were available as well as overall sales. That would show the wii well in front... ;)

While that would be nice, :D getting a jump on the competition is a huge aspect of the next gen wars. Oftentimes companies make sacrifices to get their product out sooner and that can lead to better sells or worse in the long run. While you are right about the Wii selling most since they were all available, what matters is how many consumers are sitting out their with your console on their shelf.. because that is the limit of your market share. The game developers look around at the market shares and make decisions influenced by them (whether we will worry about putting this game on three, two, or one next gen consoles). The overall numbers are a lot more important than the "fair" numbers, though there's no telling how long it would take the Wii to catch up if they actually had the hardware available.
again, it is a good thing, not bad. They are perfecting the games. Some of them (MP3) are even being given online capabilities that they werent originally sposed to have (no it isnt confirmed yet, but i think we all know its prolly ganna happen). They are perfecting the ssbb online and idk whats up with party and galaxy, but again, i doubt it is just sitting in the box waiting until late this year to be shipped, they are adding little details that will help us further enjoy the game. Its not like they are done with all these games and all of the workers are just sitting there doing nothing waiting for the release dates to come. The longer we wait, the better the games will be.

although I have to agree, it is getting pretty rediculous. Has there been a game that hasnt been delayed yet? lol
Christmas season is the hottest release dates for games, so the months afterward have always been crap. It's not just because of a lack of competition...
Sovieto said:
oh well because ive played ghost recon and didnt like it because its very different
(its all about scoping out before attacking)
Man i Love that game i cant wait till #2 comes out. The only reason i like it so much is because i was in the military and it just seems real to scope out before just shoting everything u can see. Online play im normally a sniper. and my team normaly wins because of me hanging back and waiting. :ihih:
Arnaud said:
PS3 is not dead yet, 4 months after launch is a bit early to say IMO...
Ya... I honestly think they'll narrow the gap (obviously not win though)

I don't know if you've seen Home and all the other exclusive games but let me know when you have.
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^Not until they lower there prices.

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