Nintendo - Next Gen

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  • #31
M@gicM@rk said:
Well, if what Reggie has talked about in the press conferences are anything to go by, Nintendo will continue to drift away from the "hardcore" crowd and appeal more to the "casual" crowd.
Reggie (Fat-arse from now on) promised us that Corruption and Galaxy would be appealing to the hardcore gamers, but they fell short in so many ways of reaching the "hardcore mark."
Personally, I don't think Nintendo can come back to the hardcore crowd after doing this.
Fat-arse might give more press conferences talking about the casual crowd, and if he does, I EFFING CALLED IT.
Do you have any links so that I can see that? If so, that's extremely disappointing...
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  • #35
elmo_999 said:
If you love smashbros (like your name implies) i think you'll take that back and wait around two months (though it should be around two weeks, DAMMIT nintendo lol)
I'm talking about as a whole. They haven't been doing such a bang-up job.
i think it's extremely hard to make truely 'difficult' games without damaging the purity of refined gameplay. when I used to play ALOT of games i'd only go through the harder difficulty setting if i enjoyed the game enough, in the end it's only hardcore if you play it in a hardcore way, im most hardcore about games like Zelda TP, or Galaxy not becuase of their difficulty but the carefuly considered structure of the game grabs me, much in the same way a story of a good book does - this is hardcore gaming for me.
although there are some challenging ninty games out there, they've never been about making games that get us to sit on our ass' all day playing through the same levels but with with variables amplified abit. whatever they do next.. nintendo will continue to do what they've always done, making videogames they way they believe they should be, not with insane-athon(or w/e) difficulty settings, there's a reason SMG doesnt have a daredevil difficulty setting.
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