Why I think PS3 will come out on top.

Right. I'm sure as hell not paying $600 for a new console. That money would be way better spent upgrading my video card or CPU to play newer games.

Let's say in a year from now the Wii is completely obsolete and crappy... I wouldn't doubt Nintendo releasing an upgrade of it in the same budget to keep the general public impressed with the graphics and features.

For me, I will always use a PC over a PS. But something like a Wii (or any nintendo consoles minus the GC n DS) will always be fun, not relying on graphics. Even 2d games are fun.
no it wont

1. to much mony

2. games cost to much

3. porno industreies arnt going to support blu ray so hdd dvd will win or maby its vise versa but whatever

4. i dont own one so i hate it for now

peace out
dangerd0g9 said:
1. to much mony

2. games cost to much

3. porno industreies arnt going to support blu ray so hdd dvd will win or maby its vise versa but whatever

4. i dont own one so i hate it for now

peace out
1. It is a great value for what is included and the price will eventually drop.
2. Games cost the same as 360 games and are only ten dollars more than Wii games.
4. Stupidest reason ever.
5. Learn how to spell.
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  • #19
Neo Geo was higher than the PS3 and other consoles went for around 125 at it's time today Neo Geo would be around $2000 if history repeated itself they would need a console that expensive
if $600 is breaking any of you, perhaps moving out of your moms basement might help. I do the occational part time internet job when im not doing something in the film industry. Just yesterday I emailed someone and asked if they want content for their website, they said yes, and passed them over to a company that gave me 25% of what that guy buys. Now im $16,930 richer, and all i did was send one email out of the blue. Im only 24. The fact is, people are not so poor as to not be able to spend $600 on a game system. Unless they are children. Then again, i know kids that have more money than some. In the real world $600 is nothing, a nintendo wii for 250 is chump change. People like me buy them for the hell of it, because we have the money to do so. Like most people.
Funny how no one takes me up on my offer to bet Sony won't be #1 this console wars ever. Despite their massive ownership of press propaganda. The truth shouldn't be based on who has the biggest mouth.
sagema said:
Funny how no one takes me up on my offer to bet Sony won't be #1 this console wars ever. Despite their massive ownership of press propaganda. The truth shouldn't be based on who has the biggest mouth.

do you honestly believe someone would make a bet over the internet? you said something noobish and thats why no one bothered responding. Btw, your bias and spin is duely noted, as always. Honestly im not sure anyone takes you seriously in this section.
Shiftfallout said:
if $600 is breaking any of you, perhaps moving out of your moms basement might help.
Way to go to prove a point. I cannot afford a PS3 and I don't live with my parent's anymore. I'm a student and I couldn't afford what's neccessary to buy a PS3. And what about those people that don't actually want one? At least not yet. This shows just how much of a fanboy you really are. I expected better of you shift.

I do the occational part time internet job when im not doing something in the film industry. Just yesterday I emailed someone and asked if they want content for their website, they said yes, and passed them over to a company that gave me 25% of what that guy buys. Now im $16,930 richer, and all i did was send one email out of the blue. Im only 24. The fact is, people are not so poor as to not be able to spend $600 on a game system. Unless they are children. Then again, i know kids that have more money than some. In the real world $600 is nothing, a nintendo wii for 250 is chump change. People like me buy them for the hell of it, because we have the money to do so. Like most people.
So, just because you earn enough to get a PS3, everyone else should as well? I can guarantee $600 is not nothing, same as £425 isn't nothing. You've got a warped sense of reality. In the end, it really will be only people like you that buy the PS3, as they can afford anything that's needed to get the most out of it (games, HDTV, specific cables etc...)
Squall7 said:
Way to go to prove a point. I cannot afford a PS3 and I don't live with my parent's anymore. I'm a student and I couldn't afford what's neccessary to buy a PS3. And what about those people that don't actually want one? At least not yet. This shows just how much of a fanboy you really are. I expected better of you shift.

Yaddy yadda. You are a student. Why would they expect a student to have a lot of money outside of college. If you have a complaint, it probably should be with the expensive prices at a university. When I was at my uni, working as a part time waiter i could still afford things that were 600 bucks. My point is, its not a lot of money. The parents basement is phrase to generate meaning, way to read into it too much champ. Sorry if me thinking 600 is not a lot of money for someone with a job makes me a fanboy.. good logic you have there.

So, just because you earn enough to get a PS3, everyone else should as well? I can guarantee $600 is not nothing, same as £425 isn't nothing. You've got a warped sense of reality. In the end, it really will be only people like you that buy the PS3, as they can afford anything that's needed to get the most out of it (games, HDTV, specific cables etc...)

I have a friend waiting tables, he gets paid 7.50 an hour. His tips range from about 50-120$ in one night of working. He works part time. Pays his rent, food, bills, and just finished buying a PS3. Now he, like me, has all three systems and a HDTV. How does he do it? He works normally. Normal low income job and he still has money to blow.

Thats the reality of it squall. I hate this mentality that if you cant afford something then you there for have to hate it. Thats the most childish thing in the world. In the real world, people work for a living. Unless you are dirt poor, most people can afford a PS3 unless they are doing stupid stuff with their money. Then thats their fault for not being smart about it.
Shiftfallout said:
Yaddy yadda. You are a student. Why would they expect a student to have a lot of money outside of college. If you have a complaint, it probably should be with the expensive prices at a university. When I was at my uni, working as a part time waiter i could still afford things that were 600 bucks. My point is, its not a lot of money. The parents basement is phrase to generate meaning, way to read into it too much champ. Sorry if me thinking 600 is not a lot of money for someone with a job makes me a fanboy.. good logic you have there.
No, using the stereotype of the "kid" nintendo fan that still lives with their parents is what's making you a fanboy. Also, I'm assuming you went to and American university. I'm going to a British one. Obviously there's gonna be slight differences there. Oh, and for people struggling to make ends meet (and yes, there are people like that in America), then $600 is too much. For you to say that it isn't is an insult to people who come from a lower class than yourself.

I have a friend waiting tables, he gets paid 7.50 an hour. His tips range from about 50-120$ in one night of working. He works part time. Pays his rent, food, bills, and just finished buying a PS3. Now he, like me, has all three systems and a HDTV. How does he do it? He works normally. Normal low income job and he still has money to blow.
Money goes longer in America. And there's still people who are struggling to make ends meet. What's "normal" over in America? 40 hours per week? 30 hours?

Thats the reality of it squall. I hate this mentality that if you cant afford something then you there for have to hate it.
Wrong, it's a case of hating the system because Sony made it into a blu-ray trojan horse. They articificially inflated the price by sticking in a blu-ray player and upping the price so that they can win the format war.

Thats the most childish thing in the world. In the real world, people work for a living. Unless you are dirt poor, most people can afford a PS3 unless they are doing stupid stuff with their money. Then thats their fault for not being smart about it.
You're full of it. There's plenty of people in the world that aren't getting a fair deal when it comes to wages - or living costs. Just because you can work and buy a PS3 comfortably, doesn't mean everyone else can.
Celestial said:
...$600 isn't a lot of money..?

depends on where you live and whether you make the effor to work for a living (aka using your head instead of complaining). For example, i wouldnt expect a starving person in a poor african country to be able to afford a PS3.

But im talking about the well off nations of the world (canada, usa, UK, Japan...ect).

The average income for someone who WORKS, will easily cover 600$. Its not a lot of money. It might not be worth it for them to buy, but for a working professional its not a lot of money. Like i said, i know kids that easily get 500-1000$ for a birthday or christmas alone. College students probably have it the worst because they get in debt and bend over backwards for greedy unis. The beautiful part of capitolism, is that if you are smart, its really really easy to make money. By smart I mean, not being a lazy ass and wishing money comes to you. You have to go to where it is. If you do that its not hard. A 24 year old like me is easily making over 150,000 a year with minimal work.

Anyways, im done trying to explain this. Somethings people will never understand untill they grow up and see reality.
Shiftfallout said:
depends on where you live and whether you make the effor to work for a living (aka using your head instead of complaining). For example, i wouldnt expect a starving person in a poor african country to be able to afford a PS3.
Effort of working? You do realise that many people do work and work for such a low income (because it's the only work available, and if they didn't do anything they would starve), that they can barely cover their cost of living (despite how small it would be).

But im talking about the well off nations of the world (canada, usa, UK, Japan...ect).
Well, even in the UK, there's plenty of people who cannot afford a PS3.

The average income for someone who WORKS, will easily cover 600$. Its not a lot of money.
Unless, they cannot get $600 of disposable income. And even then, the money for games along with a HDTV etc...

It might not be worth it for them to buy, but for a working professional its not a lot of money.
Some people cannot be a "professional" for many reasons, e.g. not enough money to actually go to further/higher education, learning disabilities etc...

Like i said, i know kids that easily get 500-1000$ for a birthday or christmas alone.
Then you must socialise with people that can do that, thus having a skewed view of what people can and cannot afford.

College students probably have it the worst because they get in debt and bend over backwards for greedy unis. The beautiful part of capitolism, is that if you are smart, its really really easy to make money. By smart I mean, not being a lazy ass and wishing money comes to you. You have to go to where it is. If you do that its not hard. A 24 year old like me is easily making over 150,000 a year with minimal work.
No, by smart, you mean conforming to capitalism. If you're intelligent and are anti-captialist, you may still have problems. Also, you equate intelligence with action. This is not always the case. You got a break in life. Doesn't mean everyone else will get the same opportunities.

Somethings people will never understand untill they grow up and see reality.
Whilst some things, people wioll never understand until they experience it for themselves. Those are the things that people can miss out completely.
Shift is the 1% of the human race that doesn't know the meaning of money. The difference with a car and a game console is you need the car. You don't need the console. I guess Shift wants to be a greeter at Walmart. My plan is to invest as much of my money as possible into my own retirement fund (Not social security, it's dead).
Shiftfallout said:
if $600 is breaking any of you, perhaps moving out of your moms basement might help. I do the occational part time internet job when im not doing something in the film industry. Just yesterday I emailed someone and asked if they want content for their website, they said yes, and passed them over to a company that gave me 25% of what that guy buys. Now im $16,930 richer, and all i did was send one email out of the blue. Im only 24. The fact is, people are not so poor as to not be able to spend $600 on a game system. Unless they are children. Then again, i know kids that have more money than some. In the real world $600 is nothing, a nintendo wii for 250 is chump change. People like me buy them for the hell of it, because we have the money to do so. Like most people.

It's all relative mate. Believe it or not, but price is a factor. A HUGE one. It's the reason I don't drive a Porsche. I make a pretty penny, but I don't waste it. Saying that anyone who can't afford a $600 game should move it is very insulting. I know many people who are barely paying their bills (and even more in debt). Who says they shouldn't be able to have a little fun? And obviously, moving out of your parents basement would be a step in the wrong direction financially. Your chump change is another persons savings.

699 (CAD) is seriously approaching the price of a new entry-level PC. I would buy a Wii for myself and a friend before buying a PS3.