whose your favorite band?

Tom Petty
Steve Miller Band
The Band
Led Zepplin
Van Halen
CCR (If you don't know what that stands for, you probably suck)
The Beatles
Fleetwood Mac

You know, all that good stuff.
All this talk concerning the Red Hot Chili Peppers, they used to be alright but they have lost their edge.
LAWL well this certainly explains why you can not give a definitive answer, hardcore is a bunch of bullshit, like metalcore. hahahahahahahaha lololololololol.
Which would make sense except for the fact that metalcore and hardcore are completely different things, you complete retard. Next time you want to try and talk about music get some knowledge and then try to argue.

Jeez. >_>;
ssbb_lover said:
Just the sentence I was searching for...

ROCK FTW. Of all variations of course...
i said the same thing in my day, when you're older you'll listen to whatever the girls are dancing to .. i assume you're not in college yet?
mukeliller said:
i said the same thing in my day, when you're older you'll listen to whatever the girls are dancing to .. i assume you're not in college yet?
14 baby. :]
mukeliller said:
i said the same thing in my day, when you're older you'll listen to whatever the girls are dancing to .. i assume you're not in college yet?

Meh, just because girls dance to it doesn't mean you really have to LIKE it.

Rock ftw (i am in college)
Griever said:
Which would make sense except for the fact that metalcore and hardcore are completely different things, you complete retard. Next time you want to try and talk about music get some knowledge and then try to argue.

Jeez. >_>;

if you read correctly "retard" you would've noticed this is not what I said.

I said anything ending with "core" sucks balls. and this is fact, not opinoin, anyone can tune their guitar down to B or D and play some crapola chords that dont even follow proper chord theory and quite frankly sounds like ass. same goes for deathcore. lol. I actually know what I am talking about, unlike most of you.
I said anything ending with "core" sucks balls. and this is fact, not opinoin, anyone can tune their guitar down to B or D and play some crapola chords that dont even follow proper chord theory and quite frankly sounds like ass. same goes for deathcore. lol. I actually know what I am talking about, unlike most of you.
You almost had a point Spirit...

... Then you failed on your face considering most Hardcore bands have quite complex solo sections and riffs within their music, not just chord based music - especially not with bands like Poison the Well dominating the scene - and hell, even Post-Hardcore bands like Atreyu and Alexisonfire don't have chord based music ;l

I think you're thinking of Nu-Metal and if you're getting Hardcore and Nu-Metal mixed up then you are sillier than I gave you credit for being.

when you're older you'll listen to whatever the girls are dancing to .. i assume you're not in college yet?
There are girls who listen to every kind of music (and, by association, dance to any sort of music). You just need to get the balls to go out there and find the right clubs, kid xD
Griever said:
You almost had a point Spirit...

... Then you failed on your face considering most Hardcore bands have quite complex solo sections and riffs within their music, not just chord based music - especially not with bands like Poison the Well dominating the scene - and hell, even Post-Hardcore bands like Atreyu and Alexisonfire don't have chord based music ;l

I think you're thinking of Nu-Metal and if you're getting Hardcore and Nu-Metal mixed up then you are sillier than I gave you credit for being.

No, I have nothing mixed up with anything, hell i'd listen to trivum (metalcore)over korn anyday trivium may be riff stealers, but hey it's better than fieldy's constant lame-o slappin and poppin. XD.

Atreyu USED to be good, now they're emo and lame. suicide notes and butterfly kisses was their best album.

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