Whose hotter, Zelda or Midna?

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The Magical liopleurodon

WiiChat Member
Feb 13, 2007
Well, cast your votes! I know this tpic is extremely sad, but personally i say zelda.

However what this thread was really about, does anybody else think Zelda in this game didnt seem as.....well, awesome. I cant put my finger on it but yeah, maybe because she was actually more of a side character or something, because in most other zelda games, the focus in on interaction between link and zelda (him trying to save her or whatever), whereas in twilight princess Midna seemed to steal all the limelight. Plus, she needs to cut off those long dreadlocky things, she would look way cooler without them.
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geez i was just trying to have a bit of harmless stupid fun, This forum is full of deadbeats and losers who bite your head of for no reason. Why the heck did you open the thread just to make a stupid sarcastic comment...its like people who watch youtube videos of world of warcraft, and then post messages saying it is a waste of time (which it is)
I don't know but when Midna makes that moaning sound it gets me excited.
My ideal girl onlly has two requisites:

1. They have to be real
2. They can't have green/virtually transparent skin.
nintendo309 said:
God! S/he is just trying to have fun! Get a life!



Some people are too proud to admit they think a video game character is hot, but you know they're just hiding it which is really pathetic.
o_O U think that a video game character is hot. Just saying, if you misunderstood, That this is for FUN. not "Ooh, I like Midna, but *blank* is hotter"
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