Whose hotter, Zelda or Midna?

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How about that Epona~

/end high levels of sarcasm
wii<33333 said:
hmm how can you say hotter... u sad person..

correct why would we want totalk about how hot cartoons are thats wrong, also peeps who havent beat the game think Mindae (soz spelling) is still the little thing not her true from .
Nintendocam said:
It's so hard to fufill all of Midna's needs, so I'm gonna go with Zelda.
Seriously, Midna is so damnanding (damn + demanding).

(Notice that the people saying the topic is for fun and is harmless are MEN, the people that are opposing are WOMEN. Go figure, right?)

My answer is Zelda btw...and no I don't give a care if anyone calls me an 80 year old porn freak that needs to get a life...your the ones who need to break loose and just stop freaking out...

Yes for the record, i'm a guy....but does it really matter all that much? :rolleyes:
...I can't have both?
Then I must go with Zelda because shes probably RICH!

I like the art style on zelda though...
ics said:
I don't know but when Midna makes that moaning sound it gets me excited.

Im gona pray for u tonite cos u need God.

BUT as this topic is just for fun then i would say that Midna is lyk that cute/sweet toy thingy like. That the story line of the game makes u care for her.
But Zelda isnt as good as the Zora Queen....WHOOOOOOOOOOFF

EDIT: I just completed the game (WHOOP) and Midna
Looks lyk an asian? And ****ing tall
So its between the zora queen and midna.

BTW this game is nutz, i have 2 play it again!!
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wtf r u actually thinking of a videogame as hot?? wtf is wrong with you ppl

i agree with the person above me

u r all insane
Ok, since dangerd0g9 and joshhunt07 (to name a few) are *blank*, let's try rephrasing the very simple question:

"GIVEN that they are video game characters, is Zelda or Midna hotter?"
Or, if you still cling to the shambles of your belief that game characters are incapable of being hot: "Which is more shmexy, a coconut or a lichen-covered rock?"

My answer to the main question: ooh, I can't decide! Midna's hot, but she's got an annoying personality. Kinda reminds me of the old-school N64 Zoras. But Zelda's always good, so I'm going with a tie.
My answer to the "special-person's" question: Coconut ith bettr!
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