Who's going to watch Friday the 13th on Febuary 13th?!?


WiiChat Member
Feb 1, 2009
Who's going to watch Friday the 13th when it comes out. I'm a huge fan of Jason Voorhees and I can't wait to watch it when it comes to theaters. Are you a fan of Friday the 13th? This can be the original thread for the ratings to the movie too. I know its going to be good, because its the same people who made The texas Chainsaw Massacre!
Not me, the original Friday The 13th wasn't that great in my opinion anyway. Hollywood's getting alittle carried away with all these remakes this decade, the remake of Halloween was terrible..

if Nightmare On Elm Street & Pulp Fiction are the next on the list to be remade, then I'm probably going to **** a 9,000lb car out of my penis.
if Nightmare On Elm Street & Pulp Fiction are the next on the list to be remade, then I'm probably going to **** a 9,000lb car out of my penis.

Im on the phone with some Directors right now xD

But yea im with Scotty on this, its just gonna be a another bomb like the last 213290723894623895 have been. Horror movies really have takin a nose dive.
Im on the phone with some Directors right now xD

But yea im with Scotty on this, its just gonna be a another bomb like the last 213290723894623895 have been. Horror movies really have takin a nose dive.

Somehow I can imagine them with their big brown cigar dicks in their mouths...

Director: I got it! ... For the new millennium, let's remake every movie that was released in the last 50 years.

Director #2: BRILLIANT! We'll make millions! Hahaah! *smokes.... chokes on cigar* g'ah, dammit.. I gotta get off this **** *puts out cigar*
Probably, but I won't be expecting much. Usually updates = more gore and in some cases that = more laughs, which isn't always good.
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Not me, the original Friday The 13th wasn't that great in my opinion anyway. Hollywood's getting alittle carried away with all these remakes this decade, the remake of Halloween was terrible..

if Nightmare On Elm Street & Pulp Fiction are the next on the list to be remade, then I'm probably going to **** a 9,000lb car out of my penis.

Rob Zombie did an excellent job with Halloween. And so what if its a remake. It sells. I guess your not a fan of horror movies. oh well its your opinion. And Friday the 13th is awesome.
Rob Zombie did an excellent job with Halloween. And so what if its a remake. It sells. I guess your not a fan of horror movies. oh well its your opinion. And Friday the 13th is awesome.

Are you 7 years old or something?

The Horror genre is my favorite movie genre of them all, I'm just not simple-minded enough to be all giddy over these half-assed lousy remakes. "Woo, let's shine them up real nice, make Jason bigger and scarier and add more gore, mmm.. those teens looove the gores, needs lots of action, forget about a good story."

I do not expect much from the new Friday The 13th remake. Rob Zombie, while I do love the guy as a music artist, he took a major **** on John Carpenter's 1978 classic, and turned it into a disaster that brainless teens would love. The original Friday The 13th didn't do anything for me (though I did enjoy some of the sequels), I was more into better horrors of the 80's including the more entertaining Nightmare On Elm Street franchise.

There's a fine line between intelligent horror films with well-controlled gore, and horror films with zero intelligence that only add senseless gore for the teenage "cool factor" (with the exceptions of "Braindead" and "Evil Dead").

And yeah, you're right. It is my opinion, just like it's only your own opinion as well.
While I obviously won't be watching it on Friday the 13th, mostly because it wasn't released in Australia, I fully intend to watch it. Sam from Supernatural is in it and that's all the reasoning I need to give.

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