Scary Movies

Heck, it was an interesting thread untill the spider pictures started, looks like they stopped stop so imma' fine.
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  • #107
Yeah, seriously. Lets get back on topic guys :wink:
Hey Leve, I'm not sure if these are the same to you, but what about suspense movies? Can you watch those or are horror and suspense the same thing to you? if you dont get what i mean by suspense movies, sorta like Resident evil where its not really scary but you know somethings gonna happen but not sure when. Unlike The Ring or the Grudge or whatever.
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  • #109
Not sure, I wouldn't know the difference without watching them and I don't have much experience watching scary movies.
ah, scary movies are now gore movies, they used to be psychologially scary back in the day, but now it's pure massacres, now what is labeled as a thriller or suspense is a psychologial movie.
ahhh i see..well Leve, I'd recommend you checking out the Resident Evil movies. They're not really scary because you can assume whats going to happen each time. A zombie is gonna jump out and try and eat them. Its just suspensful because you don't know when it is going to happen. check these out and try and work your way up to scarier movies. nowadays they all share the same generic theme. Gore.

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