"Who Would Win?"

DS by a screenfull

eating nails vs eating concrete

(if you choose nails you can have duck sauce with them)
in terms of what

Graphics: playstation
Gameplay:Xbox360>>>>Halo PWNS all

Wiichat vs. tahciiW
Playstation 3, at least it will have the main Final Fantasy installments. Better than Gaylo. (Heh... "Gaylo"... I made up a cool word.)
I like halo better than FF....Hey AdamQuest64 is ur name referring to Quest64 for the N64....If so OMFG!!!!!1!!!!!1!!!!!11!!!1!1 i didnt think anyone ever heard of that game B4....(i suck at it and think it sucks...but i own it)

Jmadness94 said:
I like halo better than FF....Hey AdamQuest64 is ur name referring to Quest64 for the N64....If so OMFG!!!!!1!!!!!1!!!!!11!!!1!1 i didnt think anyone ever heard of that game B4....(i suck at it and think it sucks...but i own it)


It wasn't my intent, I was just trying to make my name sound like some generic RPG. But now that you mention it, yeah, it could be like the game Quest. But was it called Quest64 or just Quest? Anyway, yeah, I've heard of it.
