Who Should Pay On A Date?

Brawny said:
Why was my earlier post deleted, okay, maybe the language was a bit crude...

If we're to do it the old fashioned way, if the guy is supposed to treat her like a princess (which I think I do to her, besides the McDonald's arrangements), she's supposed to put out for him. >>
You? Crude language? I'm curious now, haha.

And I see no problems with that arrangement!
Off/on topicish question
Its about somebody buyin

Im talkin johnnys
Who buys them the fer or the fe
Celeste said:
Gender equality is an excuse to be cheap in this context, IMO. Girls should be treated like princesses on dates! Chivalry doesn't have to be dead. Save the gender equality for the jobforce.

That being said, I still don't want to be paid for all the time, I just want to be treated fabulous. Gender equality means I can open doors for myself and pull out my own chair. It's the cutest thing ever when guys do that stuff. Don't stop doing itttt. </random rant>

So basically, you want equality only when it suits you. :D
Napalmbrain said:
So basically, you want equality only when it suits you. :D

Thats the truth and how ALL woman are, they want everything when it suits them. :lol:
Napalmbrain said:
So basically, you want equality only when it suits you. :D
Well that's one way of interpreting it.
I just think it's incredibly sweet and classy when guys are a bit old fashioned on dates.
My somewhat submissive nature is great at stroking mens egos...among other things, so I think it balances out well for both of us.
Celeste said:
Well that's one way of interpreting it.
I just think it's incredibly sweet and classy when guys are a bit old fashioned on dates.
My somewhat submissive nature is great at stroking mens egos...among other things, so I think it balances out well for both of us.
Yeah, Emma! Why can't you stroke me sometimes!
Absence makes the heart grow more witty apparently. xD

Yeah, Mau, I still agree with the asker paying. If the girl wants to be going with a gentleman, he would have asked in the first place.
Sometimes...well, a lot of the times, guys don't have the balls to ask girls out. They think the girl is out of their league. I've asked some guys out before and they're like completely shocked that I asked, and they go completely into chivalry mode. I like those onessss.
I like being chivalrous, but there's no way in hell I'm going to pay ALL the flight, the hotel stay, AND meals (+gifts)...

She knows I love her, and I'll take care of all her wants and needs. But c'moon.
Brawny said:
I like being chivalrous, but there's no way in hell I'm going to pay ALL the flight, the hotel stay, AND meals (+gifts)...

She knows I love her, and I'll take care of all her wants and needs. But c'moon.
Yeah, I get you. Makes sense, that's a lot.

If Brian comes here, he stays in my room and we live on a diet of whipped cream. My situation proves to be easier again xD.
Frogger said:
Well if you insist on coming to England it's only natural you pay all of the flight!

But hold on, going to a far away country means it is a relationship, there everything changes, depends on the financial situation of both. If is not a relationship, the guy is an idiot (sorry if I ofended someone) But come on! if you are flying to date, your are spending a lot of money, off course, if you have it, well, then its fine I guess, but I would look local girls first, I guess.

Celeste said:
Sometimes...well, a lot of the times, guys don't have the balls to ask girls out. They think the girl is out of their league. I've asked some guys out before and they're like completely shocked that I asked, and they go completely into chivalry mode. I like those onessss.

Well, do you pay?? Or that is why you invite them? because you know they are going to pay for it. Since they will give anything to be with a girl that its "out of their league".

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