Who Should Pay On A Date?

Bliss said:
Right ok thats fine, IF they want to pay for themselves then ok. But insist that you pay and if they dont give then hey, cheaper for you. But trust me as u get older i am 25 now i have been on a lot of dates in my life and i can maybe count on 1 hand how many woman actually wanted to help pay the bill. AND as a ket note here, IF the woman does insist on paying you should look into her more cuz that could be she isnt feelin you. :yesnod:

Oh and goin out for dinner is something for 30 + yr olds...its classy and shows a lot of respect to the woman (depends where you go). Just to call her up and tell her "babe put somethin nice on tonight i am takin you out for dinner and dancing"....trust me it feels good and it will pay off in the end :wink:
"hey come to my place for a couple bowl packs and we'll chill."
better results.
but no about the girl expecting themselves to pay themselves they werent even one on one dates, heh. im not into dating really, such a waste of time if i dont actually love the girl, which is much more often than not.
You guys are putting way too much into this.

Unless she pulls out her card/cash to pay for it, the guy is responsible for paying for whatever meal it is. That's how I feel, how I've been brought up, how I've lived my life.

Essentially unless she offers to pay for her side, don't expect her to. I've been on dates where they wouldn't let me pay for their side, I've also been on ones where you can tell it's expected that I pick up that check. Neither has bothered me, you just need to make sure you do whatever keeps you out of the dog-house.
I'll take the wussy way and say it depends on the girl.

You should just know her personality, if it's more submissive, you pay.
If it's normal, she'll offer...and you let her.
If she's crazy feminist, make her pay and dump her. :D
Either the guy pays, or I pay. Either is perfect. I don't like the idea of each person paying for their own. Piping up with "uhh, seperate bills please!" at a restaurant is so...just...wrong and awkward. It doesn't fit the date mood at all and it's just stupid.
Well go halfsies at the end if the prices are close, or just go back and forth paying if it's a long-term thing.

As I said first, asker pays. The girl who's got enough balls to ask should know to pay.
Fire Flower said:
Well, the thread is the question itself. Who should pay?

A few weeks ago this girl asked me out to dinner. Mmm. Twas great. The bill comes. No worries, since she's the one who did the asking she should pay right? Wrong. She was sitting there, looking at it, the bill. Then looks up at me with the DEATH STARE. So I ended up paying ( about ) 120$.

Is it fair that the man should always pay, because it's the right thing to do? If she offered to pay, I would have payed for it. If we split it, that would have been better. But she just stared at it expecting to get a free meal.

So, who should pay? Why, and in what situations?

Yeah...I guess I should say sorry about that, my money wasn't with me...
The asker, The man, equality...depends, if the meal sucked and your company just made you want to punch their face then make them pay or you'll scream.

When I've been asked out by a woman, she has always offered to pay. I would take the bill, she'd say something along the lines of "My treat", I'd insist once, insist twice, then offer to split it, then offer to catch the tip.

If you're both reasonably socially aware, then you kind of have a sense of how to handle these situations together. The most I paid was the bill and she handled the tip, the least, I tipped out (but with a "My treat next time" - this of course assumes you want to see them again).

Me and JB have always been on the paying end though - office parties, friends, family, so it's in our nature to want to pay.
Men have to pay. The women are too busy washing up, cooking and getting pregnant to hold down a job. :yesnod:

*holds up MASSIVE flame shield for people too stupid to notice ironic sexism*
It's good to know that there are a lot of good men in this wii chat! You guys are great! You are going to make some girl very happy someday! :yesnod:
Gender equality is an excuse to be cheap in this context, IMO. Girls should be treated like princesses on dates! Chivalry doesn't have to be dead. Save the gender equality for the jobforce.

That being said, I still don't want to be paid for all the time, I just want to be treated fabulous. Gender equality means I can open doors for myself and pull out my own chair. It's the cutest thing ever when guys do that stuff. Don't stop doing itttt. </random rant>
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Why was my earlier post deleted, okay, maybe the language was a bit crude...

If we're to do it the old fashioned way, if the guy is supposed to treat her like a princess (which I think I do to her, besides the McDonald's arrangements), she's supposed to put out for him. >>
There is one thing, She ask him out!!! We invite someone out because we are interested in that person. So the one that invites, pays. What about if you got ask out, and end up not liking that person or that 2 hours of dinner, why should he pay? he was the invited?? or you invite a guy to your house and then have them make dinner???

If that was me, this are the probabilities: If I like her a lot, I would offer to pay for everything after she takes the wallet out. If she just stares at me like she did, I just put half of the amount in the table. And if if everything was very unconfortable, because probably I am raise on a "men always pay" I would of pay half. but willing to think of making her to pay for everything!
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Brawny said:
Why was my earlier post deleted, okay, maybe the language was a bit crude...

If we're to do it the old fashioned way, if the guy is supposed to treat her like a princess (which I think I do to her, besides the McDonald's arrangements), she's supposed to put out for him. >>

But there is no old fashion way in this situation, if it were old fashion, she shouldn't of ask him out in the first place

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