Which summer movies..


Dec 27, 2006
If you're into movies then most of you probably went to see some of the big movies of this summer such as Spiderman 3, Transformers and Pirates of the Caribbean 3.

What I was wondering is which ones will you be buying on dvd when their released?

I think Spiderman 3 might be out already, and POTC3 and Transformers are coming out very soon, so which ones did you enjoy enough to buy, or maybe ask someone to buy them for you for x-mas etc?​
I think I will buy both Spider-man 3 and Pirates of the Caribbean 3 at some point in the near future, but I may get Transformers much later though.
I want to get Spider Man 3, Pirates 3 and Transformers.
As I missed all of them in the theatres.
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Cool, you won't be disappointed =]

As for me I've already pre-ordered Pirates 3 and Transformers lol.

Oh yeah, I'm going to an IMAX theater in three weeks when I go to London, gonna see Transformers in 3-D hell yeah :D
surfinrach90 said:
Cool, you won't be disappointed =]

As for me I've already pre-ordered Pirates 3 and Transformers lol.

Oh yeah, I'm going to an IMAX theater in three weeks when I go to London, gonna see Transformers in 3-D hell yeah :D

Oooh. Lucky.
I bet that will be sweet.

Let us know how that goes.
I haven't seen Spider-Man 3 but I'll probably just wait for it to be on TV. I definitely want the Pirates 3 limited edition. About Transformers: I don't even know what a Transformer is.

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