Best Movie Based Game!!

Street fighter the movie game - It was ok
Mainly for the bloke that was Akuma
king kong was g%d 2,

dirty hairy 4 the ps3 but i dont think its out yet but how can u go wrong with a clint eastw%d game

ooo that strangthenhold game wit that asian guy :)
Seriously, it's hardcore. Y'all just don't know.
What about tv shows
The Simpsons arrcade game was good and it still remains the best simpsons game (according to "Games" mag)
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i forgot about goldeneye. that game prolly started the multi player fps genre. hours upon hours in the library map. if were talking tv, the beavis and butthead game was enjoyable for a while. plus any jeopardy game, cuz im a huge jep fan.
bee movie THE GAME.
jerry seinfeld can have my babies.