Which one will be better

yes there is a problem with that but not if you have tinted windows... or you dont have any siblings. which i do he is a snob!! argh! he is goin to tease the hell out of me when i get the wii but one day he will want a turn mhuhahahahu
u cant really say the wii will own gamecube, coz it was originally designed for gamecube, they just ported it to wii, and reason is there delaying it is because people wud buy the game for the gamecube which will be cheaper rather than an new console with sum new features just for more money, there just doin it to sell more wii so people will play it first, and i doubt there will be better graphics coz they designed it for gamecube. for it to be better graphics it wud have had to been originally designed for the wii which it wasnt
It is clearly the same game if they have bonus dungeons they will only be acessed when u beat the game , like a sort of replay through (like ww) though i am gettin GCN cause it is cheaper and i dont have to buy the wii
Wii version mainly because of the E3 demo i saw. ok about the Wii mote and links sword. the B button is wat is used for normal sword attacks. however to do links famous spin attack, you twirl the wii-mote and he does it. for the jab attack, you just jab the wii-mote like a sword
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Mitch2025 said:
Wii version mainly because of the E3 demo i saw. ok about the Wii mote and links sword. the B button is wat is used for normal sword attacks. however to do links famous spin attack, you twirl the wii-mote and he does it. for the jab attack, you just jab the wii-mote like a sword
Nope They Changed it back now you swing the wiimote to attack...its latest news so...i only found out like 4 or 5 days ago lol
right u know what i think? i think that u r all gettin info from different sites and according to those sites say one says the latest it is swing the wii-mote the other would say the latest would be the b button push. so.. we just have to find out when it comes out.

Am i the only one that wants to get the GCN version?
Demon Slayer said:
I agree with you though is it true that you'll be able to controle links sword with the wiimote??
WRONG! Its going not going to be freestyle like red steel but like project hammer (different cominations for different attacks) they did this so that the B button was free to use for arrows instead of the D-Pad as Mr. Miyamoto explained a couple of days ago. I already know 2 of the moves: Make a circle in the air with the nunchuk to do a spin attack and spin it many times to charge up for a spin and also there is the push forward of the wiimote to make a shield shunt! hope this clears everything up!
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Sameiru said:
WRONG! Its going not going to be freestyle like red steel but like project hammer (different cominations for different attacks) they did this so that the B button was free to use for arrows instead of the D-Pad as Mr. Miyamoto explained a couple of days ago. I already know 2 of the moves: Make a circle in the air with the nunchuk to do a spin attack and spin it many times to charge up for a spin and also there is the push forward of the wiimote to make a shield shunt! hope this clears everything up!
true and im very very happy about it to because well the whole thing about useing sword just primes me up...( ok yes im like a sword freek i loved them)
Wii, I was originally planning to get it on GC for the sole reason of knowning/thinking they would scrap producing it for GC to make more money by releasing it ONLY on Wii. But they promised not to do so and would still release it on GC. I figured by getting it on GC I could keep my GC alive abit longer because I got it abit late in its reign.

I then thought of the reason why I actually got it, which was for Master Quest and WW, plus it was cheaper to get a GC for the base console, then multi-console released games afterwards. I'm gettin Wii NOW so I dont get the feeling of wasting my money later on when I see a NEW Zelda title released on Wii and I end up getting it late in its reign leading upto the next gen console (if there is one).

The same way I got WW special edition with master quest, the same way I view TP. You may aswell get the enhanced version and fully enjoy it then a downgraded (earlier) version, and probably think later, "Hmm maybe I should of got the Wii version and experienced it". Im aware some of you will more then likely get both versions anyway eventually, but I dont believe in wasting money like that hence me opting for the better version from the get go.

zeldaicflame said:
yeah another downside is that if someone sees you in the window they might think you are a bit of a nutter, swingin your arms about...

I dont see why people would look down upon you in anyway, because most people will know to expect to see the occasional swingin of arms in front of the TV, when walking past someones house nowadays. They will just mark your house and say, "Another Nintendo Wii up for grabs... I'll come back for that one later :arf:".

I would rather feel more integrated with the game, as Link, then to remain distanced by unrealistic control schemes, i.e. B produces a sword swing.. :wtf: wouldn't it be so easy if you could just press and hold down a button to charge up a one-hit KO punch and render ANY enemie unconscious?

This is the 1st step into reaching home-based virtual reality console games. your character moves based upon YOUR movements as the player. Thats how it sould be personally. You wanna swing your sword then you swing your arm in a similar motion to produce the action desired. Its more involving then just lying/sitting back just pressing a button half heartedly to produce the results. If people would rather just sit back and press buttons I immediately envision a couch potato (no ACTUAL offence to any such individuals), merely someone who would prefer the old controls so they can fend off enemy attacks with simple slashes keeping them at bay, while they reach for more dip :wtf:

Nintendo are giving you a chance to start interacting more with the characters you play and become once you load up the disc in your system. And you would rather remain the player that seems more like a on-looker merely giving shouts of encouragement from the sidelines? :shocked:
As the saying goes, "each to his own" but I for one would rather start NOW and get used to Nintendo Wii in preparation for possible future Zelda, and/or general good Nintendo games that allow a more virtual feel that pulls you in more. The next possible Zelda game may have parts that imply, "well you really should of got TP on Wii, then you wouldnt be struggling with the controls now would you :arf:".
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while the game assets, (the textures, models, animation) will be the same, the system that renders, basically interprets the textures and such will have an upgrade, so its possible the end result that’s rendered might look better on a wii then a game cube. And if by chance the game does not render any different, the wii version will have a faster fps.

It’s naive to think the system makes all the difference, but equally it’s naive to think that a system difference won’t make any difference. Newer systems only provide, faster processing times, and newer graphics languages and shaders, but its up to the game artists and programmers to make the game look good or bad. The graphics are only as good as the game designer makes them, but the systems do change how much can be processed at a given 1/60th of a second. Also dev kits and such do make a difference, and I hear wii has some killer tools for the wiimote to make it easy to program.