Which character are you best with?

Which is why I talked about the turn around PUUUUNCH. It adds the element of surprise which can be used in multiple situations and can still be landed more consistently.
A turn around punch actually has more start up lag, and it's easy to tell he's turning around right from the get go. So the same "rules" apply to it being innacurate, it's even more innacurate in general; unless they're stupid and roll behind you.

In short, moves that rely on mindgames are innacurate in general.
actually the turn around has even less accuracy, is easier to dodge and is easier to get killed for doing.

EDIT: CK beat me to it. damn
Like I said before, I feel it's a matter of opinion unless most of the people I have ever played are noobs, which would make me a noob? l0l. Different conversation for a different time. But about your point, his punch has worked for me in most of the games I have used him, whether the person is a noob or not. The turn around PUUUUNCH works for me as well as the regular PUUUNCH since I keep killing people, and as long as I win then it's ok:D

P.S. And I was talking about accuracy which depends on the player, not move-lag (which I know it has). Any move could be inaccurate if the player does not have good control over the player.
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Just because you're landing it on people doesn't mean it's accurate. :p It's still a risky move.

A: you have extremely good luck


B: you've been fighting the most retarded noobs ever, cause even regular noobs know how to dodge the punch
Risky = yes, but if landed= epic + embarrassing l0l.


Or.... C- I can land a Falcon Punch. Your options were not exhaustive, I figured I would help you out.
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anybody can land a punch. i can but its usually cause i'm either

A: lucky
B: fighting retarded noobs

those are really the only ways to land one unless you know exactly what the enemy is going to do. which is near impossible
Hmm... I find myself being surprisingly good with Pikachu. I still main Marth and Fox regardless. Squirtle and Captain Falcon are good too. Falcon Pu-Kick!!! Heh heh heh, suckerrrr!
For some reason Shadow, you are making it seem a Falcon Punch is nearly impossible to hit except with extreme luck. If that is true, I guess NO ONE has ever landed a Ganon Punch... His is twice as slow and predictable yet they have it in the game and can be landed. It may be inaccurate just like DK's and Ganon's but it is not only luck that goes into that move. If I am understanding you correctly though, the only way anyone can land a falcon punch is extreme luck or retard noobs which can be considered two explanations and I simply offer the third. C- I can land a Falcon Punch.
No, Shadow is completely right. I main Ganondorf, and his lag is nearl the same as C. Falcon's for the Punch. The move is crap, and unless you are extremely lucky or playing enormous volumes of n00bs, which in itself is a nub tactic.

Yes, what you are getting from Shadow is correct, it is incredibly hard to land that kind of Punch on any slightly above average player. Even the average player has the knowledge to watch for n00bs trying to use that move if playing against Falcon or Ganon.
Yyy, get that "Click here to level up my card!" link out of your sig, external links in signatures isn't allowed, lol. Otherwise I'd have mine. The mod's will remove it at first glance.

Practicing? What, you got Brawl back, Shadow? I'd like to see how good you are with Snake, then. There aren't that many good Snake players I regularly play, so...

I completely doubt you can efficiently play someone as complex as Snake, Yyy. :p
CK did u not read I am not yyy I'm his brother so stop calling me that and yes I have a very good snake.I can execute his moves with accuracy and with power.