Which character are you best with?

That sucks bro. I usually dont play so much, that way my Luigi and Ganon stay relatively the same. Plus, its more fun if you havent used them in awhile, then you wont rely on certain moves because you will be trying to use all of them for entertainment purposes.

My Luigi I have dubbed "Suprisi", because I use him to suprise attack everything. I swear, nothing confuses your opponent more than using a move that is completely wrong for the time it is used. Confuses the hell out of them. And, it allows me the element of "Suprisi," simply because I can keep it Random, yet fun for me.
That's the part of mindgames, lol. Doing the unexpected can't get your opponent off balance, as well as get their damage % up all the while. Once you have someone on the ropes and out of focus in competitive play, it's pretty easy to rip them to shreds. Especially with characters that have prioritzed moves (Wolf, Weegee, Meta, etc.).
Exactly. On characters who require certain times and situations to execute moves, simple random play can easily throw them off balance. Ahhh... Cant wait to play you CK. Soon, soon.
Well everybody has a decent meta knight and can someone tell me why I can not log into pokechat?
No, everyone does not have a decent metaknight. Dont talk that which you do not know.

:lol: You prolly got banned :lol: wouldnt suprise me. :D:D:D
Well everybody has a decent meta knight and can someone tell me why I can not log into pokechat?

One of the two following possibilities:

1: You were permabanned. LMFAO @ YOU!

2: Your account was completely erased. LOLOLOLOL.

I get the last laugh either way. :D

No, everyone does not have a decent metaknight. Dont talk that which you do not know.

Storm's right, that's a load of bull, lol. I beat some n00bs Meta with my craptain failcon. ... I've beaten multiple Meta-n00bs (lol) with my falcon, actually. I even 3 stocked someone once... They had nowhere near a decent Meta, lol. Just because someone is Top Tier (or in Meta's case, the best), doesn't mean they're easy to use/automatically make someone epic win material. Get your facts straight, Yyy.
lolz. You tell him CK. Yea, when I started playing Brawl when it first came out, I only used characters I was familiar with. For the tourney the dy of, they had all the characters already. I played my Luigi and mopped the floor with everyone. The only person who gave me some trouble was the spam-Pit-out-the-ass guy who shot arrows like a mf and did the twirly bayonet whenever I got close. Still beat him. Luigi's side smash >>>>>>>>> Pit spammers.
Well I was saying that everbody on here that I know of has a decent meta.The reason I sound so much like yyy is because I am his brother caseydodd5000@yahoo.com.I was raised with him in florida with him, so I sound and have grammer like him.I am the one he cant beat.Willie is the one he can't beat eaither.Yes I saw him do the 2lvl9 computer against him on the same team with no items and on final destination.
lolololol, are you freakin serious? You have got to be kidding me... If that has any truth whatsoever, why the hell didnt you say that sooner? Im still calling you yyy.
Well I was saying that everbody on here that I know of has a decent meta.The reason I sound so much like yyy is because I am his brother caseydodd5000@yahoo.com.I was raised with him in florida with him, so I sound and have grammer like him.I am the one he cant beat.Willie is the one he can't beat eaither.Yes I saw him do the 2lvl9 computer against him on the same team with no items and on final destination.

I laughed pretty hard at this, but after a second thought... I cringed for what Americans are turning into to.

1) You say you saw this site while your brother was on it.
2) You say that yyy lives in a different state from you.
3) The day yyy is banned you join.
4) You have the same "grammar" (correct spelling) as yyy.
5) You use the same characters as yyy.
6) If you grew up together, but live in different states... you wouldn't of known about this site.
7) You denied knowing yyy and gave contradictory evidence.
8) You now admit being yyy's "brother," but that is probably a lie (from a chronological liar).

I feel dead inside -.-, you make me want hide in a corner and weep for your stupidity.
k I will take my little bros name.I moved here a little while ago and he could beat you up storm unless you were in a full body cast lol.The reason I denied it is becuse I am embarresed to be his bother lol.He stole my charcters becuase he thought that is how he would beat me by knowing my charcters.
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Are you outta your goddamn mind? You dont even know me? How can possibly incinuate that he could beat me up? lmao. Theres a few people who know me in person on this forum, but your not one of them. Im 6'3" and weigh 280 pounds, and ive played Football the past three years. You have got to be out of your f-ing mind kid.

If their is any truth to your statement yyy, then I understand. I would be embarrassed to be related to him to. Your still full of it. :lol::lol::lol:
k I will take my little bros name.I moved here a little while ago and he could beat you up storm unless you were in a full body cast lol.The reason I denied it is becuse I am embarresed to be his bother lol.

Not sure about you, but wouldn't that make it easier for him to "beat" you up? I'm not sure if he meant he'd beat you up in real life or in SSBB, but either way there is no way to tell.

I always find it idiotic for people to brag and bluster on the internet. You have no idea who the other person is, but you do have an idea of who you are. I don't care who you are, there is always another person that can kill you. Be it in real life or in a game, it doesn't matter.

It's always better to approach someone believing you will lose, for that way you are more cautious. An arrogant attitude gets you no where, it only leads to a bigger fall.

The people who can actually do the things that "losers" bluster on about, don't need to abuse it. Why feel the need to declare your superiority over a person you'll most likely never meet in real life?

The answer: to mask your own feelings of insecurity!

Sorry about the rant... I just think it's idiotic saying that someone can beat someone up online.

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