holy hell. you only started photoshop in august?! damn! im impressed (already impressed with your work but now im VERY impressed. anyways i joined in july. didnt even have 1000 members when i first joined lol. i remember how informative the site was (and still is!). i stumbled onto the site when searching for some answers about the wii because thats about the time i became interested in it (because of the E3 zelda demo video i saw lol. once i watched it, i was sold. the wii would be mine!). VIVA LA WIICHAT!Wiired said:Been here since 8th of August (I think, can't be bothered to check) anddd I'm still here learnt alot from the site, 'cause of the site that I learnt Photoshop soooo s'all good and I'm not going nowhere