Wiichat members before the wii was out thread

I've been here for a while but I kinda avoid the Wii forums except for some select threads where I know it is safe. God I remember the thousand blue light threads our first ever competition the RPG which seems rigged because they have magical and I don't! Oh and I also remember you introduction thread Kiwi the violence against women signature did not go down well at all now did it! Oh the memories *Screen wobbles and blurs out to memorable time in wii chat history*
I had one of your sigs lol Japanese Pokemon FTW they were not that paid(well I mean bad but I typed paid for some reason so I'll stick with that) but I remember when I changed my sig Dan99iel sent me a PM saying that I shouldn't have changed it because it was a one of a kind...anyway. You almost got a red mushroom because you made sigs for everyone or at least everyone thought you deserved one
Wiired said:
Yup, went through a stupid phase of being 'WiiChats Official Sigmaker' or something :rolleyes:' and I must of made about 20 sigs for members? Problem being, they all sucked lol.
They weren't bad I liked some of the ones with movies. I know one members who still uses a sig you made for him can't remeber his name though, Kurmiko I think it was or somethign along those lines (sorry to whoever I'm talking about if I spelt it wrong)
Kumoriken I think, I also made something for him I'm talking about he awesome user title during some old thread I said that he ruled with an iron fist becuause he did something which make his clenched some sort of alloy
ARCADIUM haven't seen you in ages. I remember when the signature limits came in and I sent you a PM saying that you should change and just because you had been there longer then me doesn't mean you have more power and rights oh how I was wrong!
Sam_Harris said:
ARCADIUM haven't seen you in ages. I remember when the signature limits came in and I sent you a PM saying that you should change and just because you had been there longer then me doesn't mean you have more power and rights oh how I was wrong!

Yeah I remmember that, and now look at my sig, its a frog, lol