B Blast_em! WiiChat Member Jun 2, 2006 1 0 Jun 2, 2006 #1 :zzz: Hey there. Does anyone know the release date of the wii in Scotland? Thx.
M motherbrainrulez WiiChat Member May 17, 2006 849 1 glass tank, zebes Wii Online Code 8024-1926-5495-8435 Jun 2, 2006 #2 no
Recusant . May 31, 2006 190 0 Texas. Jun 2, 2006 #3 The search button is your friend. Nintendo hasn't released an official date yet, but "leaked" dates are anywhere from October to November, which sounds right.
The search button is your friend. Nintendo hasn't released an official date yet, but "leaked" dates are anywhere from October to November, which sounds right.
G glassonion914 WiiChat Member May 17, 2006 27 0 Jun 2, 2006 #4 Everyone seems to be saying November 6 is what they're shooting for, in the US... and before christmas in Europe.
Everyone seems to be saying November 6 is what they're shooting for, in the US... and before christmas in Europe.
DBloke An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts Staff member Moderator May 30, 2006 19,544 119 Super Mancyland Wii Online Code 8041-7231-3447-6164 Jun 3, 2006 #5 for not reading the other posts