Whats yer favorite map?

oh yeah i forgot nightclub screw jungle i like night club better. im just ok with industrial and sewer.
this is prolly in oder from best to least for me

Ok, so these are all the levels in goldeneye right?
10, that seems fair.
I do well on Outpost and Station because of people who think those are great for sniping. Sitting ducks, people. That's all I have to say.

Not a fan of Archives due to the fact that you can't turn a corner without getting shot from 3 directions... Annoying.

Also not a huge fan of Memorial. I used to hate Nightclub, but now it's growing on me.
Archives is the best map there is...at least if you are good at using a shotty, which I am...then nightclub and outpost.
Out of all the maps my order would be


I think most of the levels are quite good, never really liked the facility as there are so many areas and places, it's a weird map.

Memorial is just dark and hard to see lol.
From best to worst: Archives, Jungle, Nightclub, Facility, Outpost, Memorial, Station, Industrial, Docks, Sewer.

Sewer is ranked the lowest for obvious reasons. Docks sucks because everyone loves to get their camp on in that one room. It's fun to see that same camping team play another map, like Archives, because most of them really suck when they can't back themselves into a corner and rapid fire. Archives is the best because you can go rambo with a shotgun. Same with Nightclub, Jungle, and Facility.
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When I first started it was Archives and Outpost. The more I play it seems to be Facility and Nightclub
Here are my favorite maps in order:
2-Outpost (I dont snipe though)

Docks is down there because people just camp in that one room =/
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Heroes is probably industrial, i like when my team either camps in the high straight room, or roves as a team.

conflict, it doesn't matter, just keep moving and check the sniper spots before you run in front of one. then camp for a minute to throw off your pace and confuse people.

Why do so many people love archives? shotguns blow and that is the only map they are deadly on. ( unless you are unfortunate to come around the corner to a barrel in your face. Or have honestly unlocked the masterson, but thats a sub machine gun on roids!) i like the maps that have confined spaces and open ones like jungle, night club, industrial, docks, and station. they allow everyone to play their style. just seems to take no skill to shoot a shotgun from the hip is all.

Also why do so many people hate teams that camp in the boat room? load up a smg, throw a granade, and go get in there and kill the entire team. i usually get 2-3 and a team mate will pick up the scrap. thats the whole fun of heroes and team, trying to dominate the other team. if this means grabbing a room, do it. if you can't get them out, its because you need practice. also i love on docks when i'm in the room w/ my team and the other team camps outside at the stairs. i run all the way around and find 99% of the time no one's covering their backs. so unload my silent terra into 4 people crouching like tards in one corner.

sewers would be a great flowing board, if the team in black were in neon green or something. you can never see the janus team until they are killing you.

...end rant
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Also why do so many people hate teams that camp in the boat room? load up a smg, throw a granade, and go get in there and kill the entire team. i usually get 2-3 and a team mate will pick up the scrap. thats the whole fun of heroes and team, trying to dominate the other team. if this means grabbing a room, do it. if you can't get them out, its because you need practice. also i love on docks when i'm in the room w/ my team and the other team camps outside at the stairs. i run all the way around and find 99% of the time no one's covering their backs. so unload my silent terra into 4 people crouching like tards in one corner.

That doesn't work against people who know what they are doing. Heck, it doesn't even work on me.

If someone decides to be a clever jerk, hey actually hide in the room behind the boxes. While your killing the people by the boat, they hit you with a sniper.

There is a way to kill people in that room, though, but it's HARD. In the docks are that nobody ever goes to, you can throw grenades from somewhere around that 2 story building. With some luck, it'll go into the boat room and kill somebody.
hmm, seems to work pretty good for me most times. I'd rather hone my skills than count on a lucky bank shot. and if you get sniped from behind a box its your own fault for not properly clearing the room. i'm not saying it works every time, but with one other decent player i can be unstoppable!
its not that hard to clear that room as long as they are in the room rather then being cheap and having the whole team wait outside the room with silencers and hero inside