What's up with Pokemon?

T'is true, Kadabra, Haunter, Porygon, and a mess of other pokemon only evolve when traded. :p

Why do you think pokemon bond with their trainers? Once captured, a pokemon grows closer to it's trainer, partly through battling. Whether or not you know, it's been stated countless times pokemon actually enjoy battling; not in a life or death/injury-filled kind of battling, but more of a friendly-competitive battling. Mainly, battling other wild pokemon, other trainer's pokemon, etc.

In one of the pokemon games, I can't remember the entire story clearly, but in a library in one of the books ends with "and so when humans walk into tall grass (or something like that), pokemon will always appear prepared". What it's implying, is that wild pokemon aren't necesarrily fighting for freedom; they're fighting to test if that trainer is worth being their owner, to test that trainer's pokemon.

Pokemon definatly aren't being used. Some "bad guys" and organizations like Team Rocket do abuse pokemon, both physically and in criminal ways, but again, pokemon are partners to their human trainers, not tools. This is practically one of the cornerstones of pokemon itself (or atleast the anime), that pokemon are much more than tools. They're life long partners to help you through thick and thin (... corny).

I do agree violence is indeed necesarry at times; and since you're implying the smartest pokemon would know, why havn't they rebelled before? Because there's no need.

A question... Did you ever watch the original anime? I assume no, since you're saying things that would make absolutely no sense to someone who did watch it, lol.
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T'is true, Kadabra, Haunter, Porygon, and a mess of other pokemon only evolve when traded. :p

Why do you think pokemon bond with their trainers? Once captured, a pokemon grows closer to it's trainer, partly through battling. Whether or not you know, it's been stated countless times pokemon actually enjoy battling; not in a life or death/injury-filled kind of battling, but more of a friendly-competitive battling. Mainly, battling other wild pokemon, other trainer's pokemon, etc.

In one of the pokemon games, I can't remember the entire story clearly, but in a library in one of the books ends with "and so when humans walk into tall grass (or something like that), pokemon will always appear prepared". What it's implying, is that wild pokemon aren't necesarrily fighting for freedom; they're fighting to test if that trainer is worth being their owner, to test that trainer's pokemon.

Pokemon definatly aren't being used. Some "bad guys" and organizations like Team Rocket do abuse pokemon, both physically and in criminal ways, but again, pokemon are partners to their human trainers, not tools. This is practically one of the cornerstones of pokemon itself (or atleast the anime), that pokemon are much more than tools. They're life long partners to help you through thick and thin (... corny).

I do agree violence is indeed necesarry at times; and since you're implying the smartest pokemon would know, why havn't they rebelled before? Because there's no need.

A question... Did you ever watch the original anime? I assume no, since you're saying things that would make absolutely no sense to someone who did watch it, lol.

Dude. that's really corny. And no, I never watched it. I stuck to the games ; and only the first few, up until crystal version, the good ol days of pokemon. (To me anyways).

So they actually like fighting each other, even when forced into it? I'm looking at it from my perspective. IF I was a boxer, obviously I would like fighting. But I wouldn't like it if I was captured, and then forced to fight other people in exchange for a "friend". Also, I wouldn't ask my trainer to beat the crap out of me to see if he is worthy of training me.

Why is there no need for the pokemon to rebel? Who would like being forced into anything? eventually, I think they would get tired of it and rebel.

and I believe they are used as tools; tools for entertainment, because surely, that's the reason why pokemon are used for. It's kinda like spectator sport, only they're being forced into it. a good real world analogy would be; cock fighting.

I knew it... to be honest, if you never watched the anime, it's almost impossible to understand. The game doesn't really signify the meaning of pokemon even a tenth as much as the anime does. So... yeah, I see why you wouldn't get it. Anyways...

Again, they aren't forced into it. For example, in the games, if a pokemon traded to you is say... level 70 or higher, but you don't have 6 badges, it won't obey you, if rarely. Pokemon comply happily to the battle.

If they didn't want to battle, they could simply run away if they're fast, beat the crap out of their trainer if they're strong, or like most pokemon, ignore their trainers orders completely. If a pokemon was forced, they wouldn't be able to do things like that.

Multiple times in the original anime, Ash's Charizard was constantly either sleeping in the middle of a battle, or blasting Ash with a fire based attack (probably flamethrower). This shows that pokemon aren't forced to do a thing, and they enjoy the friendly competition of a battle; if they didn't enjoy it... well, trainers wouldn't exist, lol. They'd either be dead or pokemon-less.

This also supports my theory of catching wild pokemon, mainly because they could just run away. Considering you can't just toss a pokeball and catch a pokemon, they could just run. They could hide, or they could call in their friends to gang up on the trainer (like a swarm of Beedrill).

Another note; all people who own pokemon use them for battles. It's been stated that even in the games that not all people are trainers, some people just live with pokemon like having another family member. This shows humans and pokemon generally trust eachother. If pokemon were forced by the mass of trainers to do ANYTHING, they wouldn't trust humans as a whole, right? This is why there is no need to rebel, and such.

This also shows they are not tools. See my first paragraph in my post. They choose to battle; if they didn't, they CAN rebel and will, Ash's Charizard again being a prime example.

Another thing. Pokemon gain experience by battling, right? Then they level up, grow stronger, etc. This can be achieved in the wild, yes, but think of this; in the games, when a pokemon wins a battle, it's friendship level goes up. Pokemon grow friendlier when leveling up and battling with it's trainer. Pokemon that evolve by friendship are a good example of this, like Eevee (who evolves into Espeon and Umbreon), or Chansey (who evolves into Blissey).

This pretty much proves pokemon enjoy battling. ... Why they enjoy it, is beyond me, though.
On topic but not really: Youtube, search Who's That Pokemon? WTF!?
They eat burgers in the anime and yet there are no other animals bar pokemon



Wonder what a Ditto tastes like?
Well, there goes my response, thanks a bunch Wiichat... Sorry King, motivation for a response is now zero. Damnit, that took awhile too. Bullshit..
Theres always the back button
Also Prinny, this obviously isn't a discussion about the games, it's about pokemon in a whole. Most of what we've been saying has little to do with the games. While the thread initially targetted the anime, we're still on topic; talking about a bunch of random anime is not, however, on topic. Bickering about who's on topic is ofcourse, not on topic though, I'm ending this "discussion" here.
What discussion?
The one about the anime?
I think he meant the "Darkprinny discussion," but since he lost his response he probably meant all discussion :p. Go ahead, say whatever you want and I'll reply :p.
Simple I wasn't here to reply because I was tired and so went to bed that and I was busy all day today

I meant both... Wiichat ****ed up and my reply was gone with the wind. -.-; Argh, this happens too much. I thought I copied it too... blaaaah.
It rarelly happens to me
It ust be your computer

That was a joke as that stuff is sick
That is a disgusting picture....they dont eat all Pokemon. Probably things like Miltank or Farfetch'd.
Or they just use fake meat? We have that in our society too.... Don't see how it's so farfetch'd (XD) that they could make a burger out of beans or there weird berries.
Theres always the back button

Tried back button... no dice. Wiichat likes to screw me over like that. -.-'

Or they just use fake meat? We have that in our society too.... Don't see how it's so farfetch'd (XD)

Lol, classic but corny joke.

In Farfetch'd's dex entry, they are mentioned as being poached, so Farfetch'd are eaten on a regular basis, just like ducks irl. People eat pokemon, simply put.

... You know I'd hate to see the reaction of a little kid reading this thread. It'd probably be funny at first, but... that's just wrong, lol.
God I can't remeber exactly but I'm pretty sure somebody on the anime saying they can make a good Magicarp fellet or something.
It's the exact opposite, lol. I remember in the original season on the St. Anne, when the ship goes underwater, I think someone attempts to eat their Magikarp (Team Rocket, methinks). Ya, it was definatly Team Rocket... Meowth shattered his fangs on it's hide, lol. Magikarp is completely inedible.
Turtle soup? Maybe that's why you can't find squirtles in the wild XD.

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