What's up with MOH2 online?


WiiChat Member
Jan 2, 2008
What is the deal on moh2 online? I know there has got to be some type of life boost or something going on...As I play I go up to some one and put a cap in them 3 clips long and they don't die, they turn around and two shots I'm dead, they laugh and run off! I don't understand? When you look at the scoreboards after the game they have killed 20 and only die once, but everyone else has a score like mine. I know there are good players out there but this is to consistant. You don't have to tell your secret but just send it to me in a message I'd like to know myself. And for you all who are going to say well you must just su#$! Don't even bother. ANY HELP NEEDED!
there's an invincibility glitch in the game, some players take advantage of it when it happens to them, some don't. that's probably what's happening.
and i was unaware that laughing was possible in that game... damn lack of voice chat... damn wii...


Just quit and join another server, his "invincibility will wear off"
Or you can caste a vote too boot him from the game. This renders their invincibility useless:lol:
yea just a glitch as far as I know...I got lucky once when I was bestowed the power of invincibility...however I had to leave after about 20 kills. but its seems frequent that I come across people who get the glitch.

*waits for my 2nd coming*
has anyone contacted EA and told them about this issue even though they probably already know!
If they died once, there is no glitch, they're just that good. The glitch makes people invincible and they can't even kill themselves. I don't like the amount of damage that it takes to frag someone, but the upside is that it forces players to be that much more accurate. My aim has significantly improved thanks to that.

And to answer matthewj's question, I contacted EA personally about it after I was accused of exploiting the cheat (which I wasn't):

Customer: XXXXXXXX

12/06/2007 06:46 AM


I have been playing Medal of Honor Heroes 2 for about a month online and noticed that there are instances that a player during multiplayer online enters a game and is invincible – there have been many complaints on several forums regarding this issue as well. I myself have experienced this as I entered a game and found that I wasn’t taking any damage and could not die. After I signed out and signed back on everything was back to normal. Is EA working on a patch for the Wii in order to clear up this issue? Thank you for your time and I look forward to your response.

Response (GM Messy): 12/08/2007 07:49 AM


Thank you for contacting Electronic Arts.

The online engineers are currently aware of it and are working on ways to resolve this issue. At this time there is no current information available.

Should you have any further questions please take a moment to review our FAQ site http://support.ea.com
Take care,

EA Sr. Rep Joseph B. / GM Messy
Player Relations
Tech Support
Electronic Arts

The only way to beat people that are actually using the glitch is to VOTE THEM OUT. You have to actually go to the vote screen to cast a vote, so make sure you check in with it!

But if they have a death listed, they're probably just having the game of their life. Give 'em props...
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