What happens when you die?

Suner52 said:
Well, no its not that way... I just don;t have a single religion. Yes i believe in god, naturally, i am a certain religion but i choose not to follow a single religion, infact religion is not important to me. That does not really matter to me though, im listing possible things that could happen... and i believe that all of them are true. It doens't matter what happens in the end... it will just happen.

[hoping this will make sense]
Don't you see? You can't just say that.

You can't say "Well, I could die and my mind would be thrown into oblivion to not think anymore....OR I might have to account for my sins. Either way, I'M SAFE since I believe in BOTH!" If religion isn't important to you, why even deal with it? It's a serious matter whether you believe it in or not. You either make the choice to believe in one of the many, taking considerable thought and searching, or you have to make the decision to not believe in any of them and say that when you die, you're dead.

This isn't just some game to folly with...
When you die, you go back to your last save point. Or the nearest town............................................... :)
m7ticalm said:
When you die, you go back to your last save point. Or the nearest town............................................... :)

Great, I haven't saved for ages. Now I'll have to repeat the exams all over again...
I think we rot in the ground and so funguses and detrivores and the ground will feed on our body, whih means plants will grow, more food for the higher part of the chain until we're bak to funguses, detrivores and such, therefore continues the circle of life. oh cows'll eat the grass, worms and other small bugs will be devoured by birds, etc. yadda yadda grade 6 sciene and The Lion King all over again. I don't attatch any spiritual ideals to this truth though.
The idea of hell is disturbing... Not so much in the sense that I might go there. But because God would inflict infinite punishment for a finite transgression.
If God inflicts infinite torture/sadness upon us for things that we do in life then is he/she/it a truly loving/caring god? I'll end this here as I don't want to get too deep into a discussion about god/goodness/just etc...

Dying is like being in a dreamless sleep - forever :yikes: