Whats The Worst character To Put In Brawl

the worst character of all....................................... a barbie doll

but if i had to make a reasonable guess i say, hmm im not sure, maybe toad becuase he would be weak.
bull! the toads in smg had plenty of character

balrogs.pa said:
Yeah what could toad do?

B = Throw a star that heals you

UP B = Give you directions to another character

Down B = hide

Final Smash = Show where the castle is!

me thought that would be a terrible argument(considering falcon, ice climbers etc)

but yeah his moves can revolve around stars...

b-down:turnip pulling(it would be a bit faster than peach's)
b: throw star
b-sideways: throw koopa shell
b-up: magic carpet

in the two main mario games he was playable(wait does geno have this many? nope) he threw stuff for the most part, which is why 3 of his moves will focus around throwing

and he's strong too and could at carrying stuff, so he would probably be able to carry other characters like dk can do

^^wtf? why would one hit knock out toad...he's heavier and stronger than mario
AtomicB said:
You know what? Let 'em both be in! I just don't really see what Toad would do.

Yes, I know the argument. I'm sure Toad could do SOMETHING. I just don't... You know. He hasn't really been playable in anything.

He's never really DONE anything. Ah, wait. Super Mario Bros. 2! Okay! Fair argument.

B L A S P H E M Y !

I can see how he could be an AT.
But it is by NO FREAKING MEANS a stretch of the imagination that he could be a character. He's a fighter! He already has his move-set made for him!

Dude!? Have you even PLAYED Super Mario RPG?!
He did give out "STARS" in one of the Mario Party Series....he does live in mushroom kingdom

ANd since peach can fight....WHY NOT TOAD!!!

^ I agree :wtf:

Probably a third party that is from a way different company. Like Master Cheif or Ratchet and Clank. But seriously thats not gonna happen so I would say that the worst character to put in brawl would be Ballon Fitter but he has a very big chance of getting in.
mushroomedmario said:
bull! the toads in smg had plenty of character

me thought that would be a terrible argument(considering falcon, ice climbers etc)

but yeah his moves can revolve around stars...

b-down:turnip pulling(it would be a bit faster than peach's)
b: throw star
b-sideways: throw koopa shell
b-up: magic carpet

in the two main mario games he was playable(wait does geno have this many? nope) he threw stuff for the most part, which is why 3 of his moves will focus around throwing

and he's strong too and could at carrying stuff, so he would probably be able to carry other characters like dk can do

^^wtf? why would one hit knock out toad...he's heavier and stronger than mario
Turnip pulling? why would they give an exact copy of a move to someone else? throw a star is pretty ridiculous considering it helps you in mario games. A koopa shell is never used by a toad (only in the one you can use him in) and where did you get magic carpet?
mushroomedmario said:
bull! the toads in smg had plenty of character
... Like... ?

me thought that would be a terrible argument(considering falcon, ice climbers etc)
True. True.

but yeah his moves can revolve around stars...

b-down:turnip pulling(it would be a bit faster than peach's)
b: throw star
b-sideways: throw koopa shell
b-up: magic carpet

For some reason that move set doesn't look to logical to me. I don't know why. None of them are related to Toad's skills. A better move set could be made by a smart developer, though!

in the two main mario games he was playable(wait does geno have this many? nope)

What two main Mario games are you talking about?

Only because of copyright laws. And may I bring up Pit and the Ice Climbers? And since when does how many games they've been in matter? If anything, the lesser amount of games they've had, the more they deserve to get into Brawl!

he threw stuff for the most part, which is why 3 of his moves will focus around throwing

Eh. I still think he'd need a better move set. But a smart dev could figure something out.

and he's strong too and could at carrying stuff, so he would probably be able to carry other characters like dk can do
Toad's never been known for his strength... o_O...
He's not THAT strong. In the Mario Kart games he has always been quick but weak.

^^wtf? why would one hit knock out toad...he's heavier and stronger than mario
Now you're just crazy... I'm sorry, but that's not true... AT ALL.
AtomicB said:
no ur gay!!!!11111

Seriously. Learn to type -.-... Nice objectivity!

Personally, I don't like Kindom Hearts, I think having Mickey Mouse and Goofy makes it seem to Cartoony for me, and Personally (My opinion, no flaming) I don't care for much any anime.