What would happen if M$ & Nintendo joined forces???

The only reason MS would buy Nintendo would be to absorb and eliminate just like Nvidia did to Voodoo.
But if you merge the 2 systems together? Higher price for sure especially since there would be only 1 competitor (Sony) and it's already high priced.
Super Halio Brothers?
Jorge said:
It would create a monopoly able to over power Sony in the gaming market. Eventually Microtendo/Nintendosoft could release the the worst system ever and we would be stuck with the choice of only PC gaming.

Microsoft is horrible.

But that's totally what would happen if they joined forces. And then when you go back to your Windows PC you have to just keep shelling out money to MS. Now if Apple and Nintendo joined, I think that could be sweet.
psyichic said:
The chances of that happening are about as great as Microsoft and Apple Inc combining into one company.

My co-worker swears up and down that Microsoft is the majority shareholder at Apple nowadays. So if that were true, in a sense this is already the reality of your statement above.

It is either that or they hold whatever shares that Steve Jobs doesn't hold. Everything after that is just bits and pieces.

Nintendo was founded in 1889, so sure Nintendo will survive that long ;)
Chewie said:
My co-worker swears up and down that Microsoft is the majority shareholder at Apple nowadays. So if that were true, in a sense this is already the reality of your statement above.

It is either that or they hold whatever shares that Steve Jobs doesn't hold. Everything after that is just bits and pieces.


Where do people come up with this kind of crap? Microsoft do not own Apple. Apple gave Microsoft some non-voting stocks in exchange for $150 million and an exclusive deal for Microsoft to produce Office on Mac OS. I think that was like back in 1996 or 1997 or something. I believe Microsoft have since sold those stocks. You can easily find out who owns how many shares of stocks by looking at the publicly trading company's SEC filings. These information are easily available on the Internet.
Hybrid said:
Oh look it's Nfanboy...
first off...Xbox 360 is outselling wii at the moment,
but if this combo happened it would be the ultimate more games on the console:
Banjo and Conquer ANd Rareware would be bak Sega would focus mainly on It
Mario games and great FPS...HEAVEN!

lol 360 has been out for over a year and has sold double the systems that Wii has sold in 3 months.. sorry thats not outselling yet.. in 9 months if the wii doesnt sell anything then 360 would have "outsold them" right now from release to current nintendo has higher numbers than 360 did in its first 3 months...they cant make them as quick as they sell them, and everyone has 360's in stock

anyway its a bad idea, monopoly,crap games, all of it and higher prices... you need competition.. good merger would be

nintendo-apple... they would come out with some very small powerfull systems...

and if sony doesnt pick up

sony-microsoft gaming devision of course i wouldnt want the whole company to merge together like i said monopoly bad prices, bad products
wezeles said:
nintendo-apple... they would come out with some very small powerfull systems...

ahhhhh.... How should I say this... Nintendo and Apple may not be a good idea, and frankly, Nintendo -Microsoft and Nintendo-Sony would be way better than Nintendo-Apple combo. Anyone remember the Apple Pippin? No? Exactly.
apple and nintendo have been talking for a while about merging.. dont get me wrong i dont want the apple gaming to come with it... just its hardware and software.. apple would bennefit from the gaming experience for thier iphone, and anything else they need.. ive never been a huge fan of apple computers but you cant deny they make some simple to use high end systems and pretty much own there corner of the market just like nintendo does in the gaming world.. apples tech with nintendos gaming experience would end up making a great system..

for sony and microsoft they never tryed to get the audience that nintendo has.. they go for the college guys having halo lan partys or people playing GTA.. they dont have the game's to get into the nintendo market.. and i dont think any would bennefit... the nintendo fans some would like the MS and sony games but it wouldnt push them one way or the other..

the thing is no one is hurting bad enough to even do this sony is in the worst shape.. but has enough money from other sales to limp there gaming market around for a few years.. mergers only happen when a company is hurting 9 times outta 10 and then only if both companies would bennefit from it.. not a whole lot of bennefits for MS and nintendo to merge.. you need the competition to thrive..
My head would explode.
The world would too, probably.
That won't happen, both of them are gaming super giants, them joining forces will be like using 2 hand guns at once...oh wait, that DOES make sence never mind