What was the first game you beat as a kid?

Hmmm.............................................................................................. Super Mario Bros 3.
wow omg ur testing my memory..i go back to Atari days, i cant even remember wat game i beat first.
Law of the West on the Apple II. :D

Awesome, awesome game. You're the sheriff a small town, and the only objective is to be alive at the end of the day. You get extra points for seducing girls, and talking your way out of gunfights (Though, you can't always talk your way out of it!)
The first game I EVER beat was "Balloon Kid" for the old GameBoy. I was 2yrs old when I beat it. I have that game as a rom on my pc. Brings back memories everytime I play it.:yesnod:
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Opps, srry wrong place. Will repost in off-topic
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i remember, my dad came home with a snes one day, with super metroid and seper mario world, i gave up on metroid because it was too hard for me, so my first game i beat was super mario world....i still play it today
Pokemon Blue version. That's if you count beating the final boss as completing it, and not catching everything and raising it to lvl 100.

The first real game though was LoZ:OoT. Definately one of the best games I have ever played.

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