What was the first game you beat as a kid?

Pikachu256 said:
Killer Instinct for the SNES lol I was like 7 when I beat that took me forever to train through, Cinder was my favorite =]
Oo that game was hard, I remember beating DK Country aswell..and Aladdin :)
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Killer instinct was a hard game, The second game I beat was the original Donkey Kong for the GameBoy. I beat the game then left my Gameboy in the car for a week during a Texas summer. Long story short, my Gameboy melted :(
If rolling the game over (eg. completing all the levels then staring back at level 1, which btw a lot of older games were like) counted, then there were like 4 arcade sytle space shooters like Galaxian that I beat 20 years ago on Vic 20 and commodores. I still chuckle when I think about those huge cartridges.
I don't think I ever beat a game as a kid. I would get towards the end and just kinda not play anymore. Now I can't not beat a game.
It would have to be Kirby, Super Mario Bros. 3, or Mortal Kombat. I remember beating those when I was young, I just don't remember which came first. It would probably have to be Kirby or Mario becuase I never played NES after we got.............................SEGA CHANNEL!!!!!!!!!
skidmarx said:
If rolling the game over (eg. completing all the levels then staring back at level 1, which btw a lot of older games were like) counted, then there were like 4 arcade sytle space shooters like Galaxian that I beat 20 years ago on Vic 20 and commodores. I still chuckle when I think about those huge cartridges.
We used to call it 'clocking' - back in the day . And we would clock games , like galxian and galaga and so on .

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