what kind of pokemon gym leader would you be?

First I discover Nick loves Poison-types, now we've a Bug Catcher? Y'all 'n your peculiar taste in types... :lol:
At this point Dark and Water tie for my favorite type, and Poison and Bug tie for my second favorite. I wouldn't call it unusual to love Water and Dark types, though.
Says the guy with electric types who I can sweep with a Sandshrew

Manectric (shiny!), Minus:

- Discharge
- Thunder
- Overheat
- Volt Tackle


- Reflect
- Discharge
- Rock Gem
- Focus Blast

Jolteon, Volt Absorb:

- Discharge
- Thunderbolt
- Detect
- Yawn

Electivire, Motor Drive:

- Volt Tackle
- Cross Chop
- Ice Punch
- Rock Slide

Luxray, Intimidate:

- Volt Tackle
- Superpower
- Fire Fang
- Night Slash

Raichu, Static, Electric Gem:

- Volt Tackle
- Brick Break
- Mega Kick (salutations, Surge!)
- Light Screen
I kind of wish that the potential to become a Pokémon gym leader was something that was a part of the main series. It'd be fun to build your gym in the fashion that you once crafted secret bases in Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald. A fair majority of my favourites have been fire types, but I reckon I'd try and be an all-rounded gym leader so that the challenger couldn't simply choose a single Pokémon to use with a type advantage over me.

Oh, I'd also make a point of actually being in my gym when a challenger who happens to be the protagonist arrives at my doorstep, as well. >_O
I wonder if I would be a better Dark-type gym leader, since a lot of my favorites are Dark types, namely Sableye, Sharpedo, and Hydreigon, and to a lesser extent Cacturne, Krookodile, Honchcrow, and Drapion. I might have to make a new team.
Your love for Dark-types don't belay the fact you ain't at all meant t' be a Dark-type leader personality wise. :lol:

Not that personality stereotypes dictate what type a leader has t' be, 'course. Volkner 'n Surge ain't exactly similar.
I would definitely be a Fire type gym leader. It would take place amidst the crest of a volcano with 5 trainers before me. Being close to the sun at the top of a volcano with the intense heat, it would cause of permanent Sunny Day weather condition whenever I would be challenged. I would be the 8th and final gym leader prior to the Elite 4, below is my team.

Infernape @ lvl 52
Red Card
- Mach Punch
- Close Combat
- Flare Blitz
- Thunderpunch

Ninetales @ lvl 52
- Confuse Ray
- Will-O-Wisp
- Solarbeam
- Fire Blast

Charizard @ lvl 53
Life Orb
- Fire Blast
- Overheat
- Solarbeam
- Dragon Pulse

Arcanine @ lvl 55
Lum Berry
- Close Combat
- Wild Charge
- Outrage
- Flare Blitz

The winner of my gym would recieve the TM for Fire Blast
I'd be the guy with the Shedinja. And if you lose, all your save data is erased. If you win, it's still erased.

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