what kind of pokemon gym leader would you be?

Sandstorm is a type?

'Course it is, but ya said "it's weakness is it's resistance". Ain't no logic in that. :lol:

What I mean is that the type super-effective against it it is also the type it's super-effective against.

^ dis is tru

What I mean is that the type super-effective against it it is also the type it's super-effective against.


I knew what ya meant, I want just complainin' 'bout the senselessness of it's literal meanin'. :p
Fighting, duh. I'd be the 4th. Here goes:

Mankey M: 27 (x2)
-Karate Chop
-Low Kick
-Brick Break

Heracross M: 31
-Brick Break
-Aerial Ace

Machoke M: 27
-Brick Break
-Focus Energy
-Smack Down (Probably the only move I'd end up using)

My trainers would just have a bunch of level 25 Machops and Mankeys. Plus one with a level 30 Primeape. The TM would be Brick Break.
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I would be the 5th.

Team Lead: Pinsir (Lvl 32): Revenge, X Scissor, Vital Throw, Focus Energy. (Hyper Cutter)
Crustle (Lvl 34): Faint Attack, Rock Polish, Rock Slide, X Scissor. (Shell Armor)
Volcarona (Lvl 35): Ember, Flame Charge, Take Down, String Shot. (Flame Body)
Heracross (Lvl 33): Night Slash, Brick Break, Aerial Ace, Endure. (Guts)
Strongest: Armaldo (Lvl 40): X Scissor, Ancientpower, Metal Claw, Slash. (Battle Armor)

In the rematch, I'll increase the levels by about... Anywhere from 62 to 76
TM: X Scissor
My Gym will be a forest.
First I discover Nick loves Poison-types, now we've a Bug Catcher? Y'all 'n your peculiar taste in types... :lol:
First I discover Nick loves Poison-types, now we've a Bug Catcher? Y'all 'n your peculiar taste in types... :lol:
Says the guy with electric types who I can sweep with a Sandshrew :arf:

Damn right you are, Bug Catcher Koshi would like to battle! (I picked Bug for the hell of it)

34 minutes of spamming and Hyper potions later...

You blacked out!

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