SSBB: Brawl Attack

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drroett said:
Where is everyone getting the information on this brawl attack and/or how it basically KO's everything. I personally don't beleave a feature as such would be added I could see a super strong attack, maybe one each player is only allowed to use once per round but nothing like an instant KO. As for speculations one thing I must say, I'm really sick of the people saying the charged up electric ball thing is Samus's 'brawl' attack, that move has been in the last two games hasn't it?

Yes, in smash you could turn items off. Was smash online? no. Did smash have brawl badges? no.

This is what worries me and many other hardcore gamers. I am very confident that nintendo will be smart enough to let us turn off items during online battle, but not quite as sure with the brawl badges. This brawl attack is new for the series, and therefore they need to make it popular. One option nintendo has is to not let us turn brawl badges off while playing online, and its free advertising for that item. This is my concern.
J-Tizzle said:
Well, if you actually played SSBM a lot, you would know what goldeen can do. I someone was to perfectly land on goldeen, whoever landed on it will directly die and lose a life.

wait, are you serious? i gotta try that.
Borch712ers said:
lmfao i cant believe you j-tizzle, getting this little kid's hopes up. :hand:

Goldeen is just there because there has to be one chance that you don't get an auto-KO
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WiiZero said:
Goldeen is just there because there has to be one chance that you don't get an auto-KO

Is there a reason you directed that post at me? Oh and btw, not a single pokemon is an 'auto-ko'. If you are even halfway decent at smash than you can probably avoid getting ko'd by every single pokemon.
Uh except you're kinda wrong....A lot of them do kill you instantly. What about the big flaming bird who creates that massive tower of fire/volcano? Or Porygon 2? I'm not saying you're wrong completely. But I do think a lot can kill you. You seem to be judging Smash Bros greatness on very wierd categories...
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Of course they CAN kill you. Probably all of the pokemon except goldeen CAN kill you, in certain circumstances of course. What I was saying is that if you know anything about the game, and you have seen the pokemon's attacks before, you CAN avoid them. By 'big flaming bird' I am going to assume you mean moltres. The attack takes up the whole screen vertically, but there is alot of space to roam horizontally, plus there is a TON of lag before it uses the move that screams "hey dude! get out of the way" I dont recall porygon 2's move but I am sure that it is fairly easily dodged aswell.
Borch712ers said:
Of course they CAN kill you. Probably all of the pokemon except goldeen CAN kill you, in certain circumstances of course. What I was saying is that if you know anything about the game, and you have seen the pokemon's attacks before, you CAN avoid them. By 'big flaming bird' I am going to assume you mean moltres. The attack takes up the whole screen vertically, but there is alot of space to roam horizontally, plus there is a TON of lag before it uses the move that screams "hey dude! get out of the way" I dont recall porygon 2's move but I am sure that it is fairly easily dodged aswell.

You're not cooler than him because you know a Pokemon's name; in fact I'm finding it's having the opposite effect. And he's right, there are plenty that will instantly kill you. And if Porygon 2 is that electric bird that's on the screen for like 1/2 a second, there is literally no time to avoid it, and it will launch you as far as Jigglypuff's B-down would.
Borch712ers said:
lmfao i cant believe you j-tizzle, getting this little kid's hopes up. :hand:

why do you automatically assume im a little kid? yeah, im 15, but i don't have the time to sit around testing my pokemon 1hit KOs like some people who are 30 and still live with their moms (like im sure a few of the people on this site do). i thought he was being serious but since you posted i never tried it.
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Woah woah woah, Ive got left and rights flying at me from everyone on this forum.

My god the Wii owns... said:
You're not cooler than him because you know a Pokemon's name; in fact I'm finding it's having the opposite effect. And he's right, there are plenty that will instantly kill you. And if Porygon 2 is that electric bird that's on the screen for like 1/2 a second, there is literally no time to avoid it, and it will launch you as far as Jigglypuff's B-down would.

lmfao, this post cracks me up. First of all I never said that I am cooler than that guy, apparently you just pulled that accusation out of your ass. Second of all, yeah, I do know Moltres' name because anyone who has played any pokemon game would. I havent played a pokemon game in over 7 years (im only 15 gimme a break) and I know its name because it was a good pokemon, and I would be willing to bet A TON of money that you knew its name too, but you were too 'cool' to admit it. Now onto the real stuff...1)yeah, there are plenty that will kill you...that is, if you suck at the game or they catch you in a bad situation, I already stated that 2) No, Porygon 2 is not 'that electric bird' 3) Jiggleypuff's b-down is not an automatic ko, so all that your last statement does is prove my point further.

Onto the next flamer.
FWELR said:
why do you automatically assume im a little kid? yeah, im 15, but i don't have the time to sit around testing my pokemon 1hit KOs like some people who are 30 and still live with their moms (like im sure a few of the people on this site do). i thought he was being serious but since you posted i never tried it.

Hey hey hey man dont go off on me, im 15 too. I refer to everyone I quote as "a little kid" so dont take it personally. Yeah, so I guess Im a bully on this forum, but that was just my way of telling you that he is lying. Sorry if it offended you, but seriously, you shouldnt take very much of what I say personally. Ussually im just playin with people. Oh, and btw, I bet more than 'a few' people on this site do that ;) peace dude. no hard feelings?
Borch712ers said:
Hey hey hey man dont go off on me, im 15 too. I refer to everyone I quote as "a little kid" so dont take it personally. Yeah, so I guess Im a bully on this forum, but that was just my way of telling you that he is lying. Sorry if it offended you, but seriously, you shouldnt take very much of what I say personally. Ussually im just playin with people. Oh, and btw, I bet more than 'a few' people on this site do that ;) peace dude. no hard feelings?

yeah, no hard feelings. it seems that everybody, including me, get pissed when you call them a kid. i don't think you're a bully, i was just wondering why you jumped to conclusions, but if "kid" is your word for "dee-dee-dee" im cool with that.

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