What is your Review of Tiger Woods 10 with Motion-Plus.


WiiChat Member
May 11, 2009
A small house in England
Wii Online Code
this game only just came out in EU it looks good from the trailer but iv Regreted Buying Tiget woods 08 and 09 they were terrible! what i want to no about Tiger woods 10 is :
Motion Plus
Does it have wifi?
is it worth the Price? £45 includes Motion Plus
I've never bought a golf game before Tiger Woods 10. I was addicted to it until the conduit came out, I'm sure I'll get back to it at some point.

Controls - there's no better golf game in existence as far as controls go.

Motion+ - it works very well for this game and really shows what is possible for the future of M+, IGN went as far as to say they'd recommend Tiger Woods 10 over Wii Sports Resort for M+ bundles. TW10 was also their game of the month over the conduit for wii.

Graphics - nothing spectacular, I believe I read they were similar to previous TW wii games.

Gameplay - its golf, not sure what to say, I don't know how much different it would be compared to previous years but I haven't played the others. Disc golf is there too which is pretty fun as well as some party games, but not sure if those were there in previous years.

Wifi - yes, very easy to get online and play, lots of options for tournaments and friends lists and such, I wish nintendo's wifi connection was more like EA's. no need for friend codes either.

If you enjoy golf then you'll enjoy TW10. I don't plan on buying wii sports resort so for me it was worth it to get the M+, but I paid $60, not 45 pounds.

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