GST, Tiger woods GPA 2010 & Indiana Jones wii reviews so far


WiiChat Member
Feb 7, 2007
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I opened the indiana game first, popped it in my wii, fired it up and it handles pretty well, press B and gesture a whip movement and to punch just gesture punching, You can fly a plane just by tilting the remote (left, right, up or down).
to fire just hold down the B button on the remote. you can pick up objects ie you can take a guy and slam his head on the table, walls, or you can pick up object just by pressing the A button and swing and use that as a weapon

Tiger woods GPA 2010

I next opened that one, it handles very well, the motion plus is amazing.
you also can take it online and compeat in live tournaments, you can play Frisbee golf (which i don't like) the weather in the game is conntrolled by the weather channel and wcco or


you can create your own player, if you turn the remote with motion plus in your character face expressions change however you move the controller,

I'm bad at reviews so please forgive me.
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I have no idea, i guess under wii games i guess. I'm gonna post a "Reviews thread" on the gaming section.

also whoever hasn't played the wii punchout i might review that, all in my opinions of course.

I said I was gonna post reviews on another thread
i just bought indiana jones new on ebay. about 44bucks with shipping included.

should get it soon and ill give my impression.
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Indiana i pretty good i was impressed.
Tiger Woods PGA 2010 scored a 9.0 on IGN and they say it's the best golf game on any system period.

Grand Slam Tennis scored 8.5 on IGN, they indicate that there are a few issues but is a good all round package.

I'm expecting that Indiana Jones will get around a 7.0. Sounds like it controls a lot like The Godfather, which is a good thing as that game was great.

I'm not sure whether to get TW2010 and GST now or wait for Wii Sports Resort though. I know that it has golf on it and table tennis but haven't heard how they compare to TW2010 and GST yet.
Just got TW10 yesterday. It's *that* good. And I haven't even played golf yet--just disc golf. Control is amazing--just pretend that you're actually playing disc golf (soften your throw a bit for shorter shots) and it works, just like the real sport.

The acid test for me was trying this special throw I have--holding the disc like a regular backhand, but tilting your arm over your right shoulder (around a 45-degree angle outward) and throwing the disc upside-down. it rides in a high arc and drops faster (being upside-down) than a regular shot that sails. And guess what: this odd shot style works in TW10 just like in real life! AMAZING! That proves to me that the physics and control are really spot on. :thumbsup:

Gonna try the "ball golf" soon....
ive got tiger woods aswell. its really enjoyable at the moment. EA have really added some nice touches to the game. Swinging on the wii is really fun. online isnt bad either + theres always so much to do and accomplish. i havent got indiana jones, might get it if reviews are impressive.
That sounds actually pretty fun....nothing like doing some insane tricks with a virtual frisby. Hey natal, can you top that?
Tiger woods is great! Virtua Tennis is ok, kind of takes getting use to. Haven't tried GST yet though, still trying to figure out why most of my shots are draw/fades off the tee with TW 10.
Picked up Tiger today. Played 18 holes of golf and 9 more of disc golf. Really enjoyed it.

Don't have the money to buy Indy, especially when I still have The Conduit on pre-order.
I bit the bullet and bought Tiger Woods PGA 2010, despite hating real golf. I would have rather got GST but as it doesn't have a WMP bundle I would have had to pay an extra $25 for WMP, so I'll have to pick it up later.

Haven't had a chance to play TW '10 yet but amount of features that the game has sounds impressive. I previously had bought TW '09 and while that had a lot of content I could never really get into it, so i'm hoping that TW '10 will get me hooked. I'm pretty sure that the disk golf will entertain me though even if the main golf game doesn't.

I also preordered Wii Sports Resort so I'll have 2 WMPs. :)
indiana jones

ok ive spent about an hour with the game.

its great. the beginning was like zelda with lighting torches and sidleing in parts.
i never played godfather so maybe the fighting is like that i hear.

ive used an airplane( a bit tricky to control)and a gun. both work well. graphics are pretty good.

there is multiplayer also. you can unlock little co-op missions.

i think its like force unleashed in instead of collecting holocrons... you collect artifacts.
Tiger Woods 10 will go down as one of the best sporting games of all time. I'm not a huge golf fan and I haven't put this game down. It's just amazing and tons of fun.

Also I love GST! It definitely has a learning curve but like others have stated once you get that down, or just more practice, it becomes a lot more enjoyable.

These 2 games have put the Wii back on the map!
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Tiger woods is great! Virtua Tennis is ok, kind of takes getting use to. Haven't tried GST yet though, still trying to figure out why most of my shots are draw/fades off the tee with TW 10.
Your wrists must be twisted a bit as you strike the ball.

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