What is your Review of The Conduit?

i think its worth it bro, get it. i give it a 8.25 out of 10.

the controls are solid once it becomes your instinct, for example im so good at the controls now i dont lyk holding my 360 remote.

and the gpu was pushed to the max on this tiny dvd space.


messege me if yu add me. and send yur fc.

Story mode is way too short. I had ~55% completed within 2-3 hours and I'm the type of gamer that takes his time on games instead of rushing completion. I played a little on WFC and it was fun for the most part. I think it's the best FPS for wii but then again that isn't saying much. I hope this game sells well and sends a message to other developers so we can get more multiplayer FPS games.

Dont expect other developers until wii-hd.

Story is short, but if you get into it and do some research, things get pretty intresting.....

This game is selling well. A sequel has been confirmed to be made. Hopefully it will be less buggy and longer. I also hope they get rid of the authenticating thing.....But hey, thats why I have tetris on my phone.

The Conduit is a great base for fps. Im only going to expect HVS and the developers of RS2 to continue making them until other developers go to wii hd. Thats not saying much because your not going to get that many fps in two years.
This game is selling well. A sequel has been confirmed to be made. Hopefully it will be less buggy and longer. I also hope they get rid of the authenticating thing.....But hey, thats why I have tetris on my phone.

Good to hear that we're having a sequel, I'm happy :) And I agree about the authenticating thing, that's so anoying. It makes me quit of trying to play multiplayer when I don't get to connect after a couple of tries. Don't you know if it's different when playing with friends?
Yea, I just think it does that with random players with regional or worldwide, since it finds player in your areas and it has to sync your players together. For me it takes about a minute or two to start my online play. Plus wii isn't used to great online experience with the wifi, especially if your connection is bad
I think u love the art style, not the graphics in The Conduit. Just my $.02

The Conduit actually has much better tech than it does art style. That's why despite the impessive effects a lot of people think that MP3 looks better. If Retro had used the same degree of tech (graphics) in MP3 then it would have looked incredible.

I've only played through the campaign so far as I don't get my internet hooked up until later this week but I've been reasonably impressed so far. A few of the early levels seemed a bit lackluster but it improved nearer the end.

As mentioned before, some of the effects are great for the Wii but it is slightly let down by the art style in places (or maybe Washington is just a bit dull anyway?). There are some really nice touches though, such as the reload blur and cloaked aliens. A lot of The Conduit is reminisant of other games, most notibly Perfect Dark, Metroid and Halo. Strategy is fairly minimal with it being a straightforward run n' gun affair.

The campaign is fairly short (9 levels) but it does have more substance than MOH: H2 or Red Steel. Compared to most FPS nowadays it is a reasonable length but it does seem to be over too quickly (rather like MP3 did but shorter). The ending is, well not an ending at all and obviously leads on to the sequel.

On a whole, if the multiplayer performs at the same kind of level as COD: WAW then it will be the best FPS currently available on the Wii.

Based on what I've seen so far I'd say that it is an easy 8.5/10.
So, basically. This game is pretty awesome, and if you want a review, read baldbull's, lol.
But, um, rent it first maybe. Because I actually thought it was completely different then what it ended up being.

ive played the game for around 2 hours today. only online, so here are my thoughts, and i will compare to both halo 3 (360) and WaW (wii) since i own both.

graphics - great for wii. better than WaW. the characters look much better. i also like the red/blue teams theme like halo.

Controls - dissapointed no default controls for wii zapper but I could customize them to work with it. I did like WaWs wii zapper controls.

lag - i did notice some lag...players moving or should i say jumping from one part of the screen to the next as if they were teleported. mostly there is no lag though, i just noticed it several times though. this could also be my connection or anything though.

maps - WaW maps are better. I am not fond of halos or conduits. halos are too open and conduits are too closed. maps arent bad though, i guess i need to get used to them.

sprinting - just like halo, there is no sprinting. i like that about WaW

weapons - sometimes the shots are a little confusing similar to halos. i like the human weapons the best (thats a choice in multiplayer for human). lots of weapons though...yet there didnt seem to be many on the maps to find..unless i just didnt know where to look

killing - seems a little hard to kill people like halo. something i will need to get used to. I liked killing in WaW best.

wii speak - i dont have it, so i cant comment. however, i can speak in halo and most games no one talks or its 12 year olds screaming at each other. so that feature isnt something i really care for.

radar - similar to halos radar, its somewhat confusing. WaW radar is my favorite.

So, will this game replace WaW and halo 3 for me? It will replace WaW. I have been playing it for a few months now and the conduit has better online in my opinion. There can be 6 people on each team, which i like better. plus its new. plus they have more games - capture the flag, etc. Will this replace halo 3? No. The 360 has a good game with halo and its the 3rd version. i like the acheivments in halo, the medals, and how it all connects with xbox live which is amazing.

Should you buy the conduit? Yes. if you like fps and are looking for a wii one, definitely buy this, its a lot fun. it feels a lot like halo. o, and its very addicting. i already want to play more.

As for the campaign mode....i played it for 5 minutes. it seems fun. almost exactly like halo ie killing weird sci fi monsters. i have yet to the play more than 5 minutes of the campaign for WaW, halo 3, or the conduit and probably never will. The online modes just rock.

Probably the best review I've seen about this game. I agree with it all except for replacing WaW (for me). Honestly, I was about to write a review but then I read yours, and I'd feel like I copied it. But, I was just wondering... A lot of the things I read was you saying "I like WaW's better", but you said it'd replace it? lol :p Just wondering, but like I said, great review.
Probably the best review I've seen about this game. I agree with it all except for replacing WaW (for me). Honestly, I was about to write a review but then I read yours, and I'd feel like I copied it. But, I was just wondering... A lot of the things I read was you saying "I like WaW's better", but you said it'd replace it? lol :p Just wondering, but like I said, great review.

well ive been playing WaW for 6 months now and i just got halo and the conduit in the last month, so i will probably dedicate my time to them since i dont get to play very often. Plus, modern warfare 2 is out in 6 months from now, so im sure i will be getting into that when it comes out...hopefully for wii but xbox if not. and after playing the conduit a bit more i think i still mostly agree with my review. some things i would add are:

-melee is not that easy compared to halo where its one of my favorite attacks.
-graphics of halo multiplayer are much better
-maps of the conduit grow on you are playing a few times and getting to know them
-why dont halo and the conduit have sprinting?
-i like the handgun and sniper rifle in the conduit, which i never used on WaW
-i dont really use the lock on feature at all on the conduit, i find it only confuses me rather than getting me kills
-i dont like that there is no grenade warning, so sometimes im killed by a grenade i never saw and didnt know was there
Presentation: Conduit is an extremely well polished shooter with tons of customization of the control layout, HUD and bounding box. The menus are good but nothing special, maybe a little on the bland side. The story mode also features some first-person cutscenes, while short, are effective similar to Metroid Prime 3. 8/10

Graphics: Currently the best looking FPS on Wii unless you include Metroid Prime 3 as a FPS. There's some good detailing in the enviorments and fluid animations but the enemies are repititive even if the aliens look very good. There's some really great lighting and the weapons look great. The familirity you'll have wit the Washington DC enviorments add to the game. The draining of color as you lose health is a cool immersive effect. There is some lag online. 8.5/10

Sound: The game has some good voice acting. There are some good weapon sound effects and some of the story is told through radios which are throughout the level. More punchy effects include a low gong whenever you die. WiiSpeak is also supported online. 8/10

Gameplay: A by the books FPS that attempts to disguise it with a few interesting mechanics. The ASE adds some short, simple puzzles, but overall the ASE seems underutlilized in the game. The enemy AI is pretty tough in the story mode and the story mode is in no way a breeze, but also the story mode isn't as epic feeling as World At War's story mode. All of the customization features really allow you to make your own controls. There's lots of exotic weapons that really add to the experince. 8/10

Intangibles: The Conduit features 12 player online with Wii Speak support and lots of unique and interesting online modes that can only be found in the Conduit. Other then that, it's just another FPS. The campaign is relatively short, but tough. 8.5/10

Overall: The Conduit is a solid FPS that will give you a good taste of all standard FPS on other systems but not much more other then the control customization and some story exclusive features like the ASE and exotic weapons. 8/10

A solid FPS, but if you've already played Halo and Call of Duty there's not a lot of new material to find here. A good buy if you only own a Wii or want to use the Wii's controls for an extensive FPS.

World at War has a much better campaign, Conduit has a slightly better online. Overall, World at War is still the best FPS on Wii.
-maps of the conduit grow on you after playing a few times and getting to know them
-why dont halo and the conduit have sprinting?
-i dont really use the lock on feature at all on the conduit, i find it only confuses me rather than getting me kills

Yeah I really love the maps, although I prefer the smaller ones to the bigger ones. On the pentagon map for example I hate having to walk across half the map to get into the action every time. I especially love that there are jumps and shortcuts that you can learn the more you play to sneak up behind people and such.

Not sure about sprinting, I'm used to quake where when you jump you can move faster but it doesn't work like that here.

I didn't use lock on at first at all either when I started, but I forced myself to get into the habit and I'm much better for it.
Pentagon and Streets are my favorite maps. It seems people only ever pick 4 of the maps (Sanctum, Pentagon, Streets, and Infirmary). I've never even played Warehouse before, I've played Compound just once and there's a 7th map I don't even know I think. lol
vgn is listing the game as selling 160k in first 2 weeks. pretty good in my opinion for just america.

metacritic is giving the game a 71 out of 100. i think a 7/10 is right on. halo got a 9/10, WaW and 8/10 (for wii), so i would say 7-8/10 is just about right for this game. i am enjoying the multiplayer a lot more now that i am getting 10+ kills a session.
i'm really disappoionted in the conduit. although the fact that it had a big fan-base before its release(including me), will probably get other third-party companies on the ball.

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