What is your Review of The Conduit?

i realize that the wii isn't capable of producing HD-quality graphics, but the visuals of this title were glorified in interviews and press releases as being better than anything the wii had seen before. thus, i expected the title to at LEAST look as good as world at war, which has already been out for over half a year.

in no way am i bashing the wii; i'm just disappointed that the conduit didn't deliver what countless had promised.

oh, and a sprint feature online would have been nice, as well as being able to choose your weapon at the start. sigh.
to be honest, the game's online feels a little clunky. the customization is great though, and i haven't experienced any lag yet, but i feel like world at war's online just seems smoother and more polished. oh, and the conduit's visuals were overhyped to say the least. i find it hard to believe that people were mistaking this for a 360 game. not to say it doesn't look pretty, but i feel world at war's visuals also trumped those of the conduit.

disappointing...looks like my world at war won't be collecting dust like i thought it would. sigh.

Thats pretty much what I was going to say. Don't get me wrong, The Conduit is great & all but every thing was just better in CoD. Weapons, maps, perks, and unlockables made CoD better than TC in my opinion.
Oh and as Fraggit also said..."oh, and a sprint feature online would have been nice, as well as being able to choose your weapon at the start. sigh."
Thats pretty much what I was going to say. Don't get me wrong, The Conduit is great & all but every thing was just better in CoD. Weapons, maps, perks, and unlockables made CoD better than TC in my opinion.
Oh and as Fraggit also said..."oh, and a sprint feature online would have been nice, as well as being able to choose your weapon at the start. sigh."

the online is pretty good, and what you said about being to choose your weapon at the start, I totally agree. I really like the SCAR weapon, but I hardly ever have it, and when I finaly find it, I never get any kills with it. It be nice IF I could just start with it.... THe near/far weapons is the only one that lets you start with it, but that is rarely ever voted for. Also, it's not really the same as you choosing the weapon because everyone else will have it too. The black screen bug is also pretty annoying. I think that 8/10 is a pretty good rating for this game. If they can fix the bugs, I'll give it an 8.5/10.
Rented it this afternoon and the game is lacking. It's your typical shooter with online modes that are extremely limited.
it was me who said the graphics for this game is better than HALO.... :p






i prefer the graphics on the conduit over the halo...also...gameplay is very similar....IMO....came pretty damn good for a wii game

the controls are almost perfect once u set them right...default settings are lame :(

good solid game for the wii....
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the game is a pretty standard shooter, it's just that the Wii controls enhance the experience in my opinion. Plus we have to buy all these original titles otherwise we won't see any new ones. I do not want the Wii to turn into the Gamecube.
I like it, I even like the single player mode, but I am a bit of a conspiracy X Files type guy. I have yet tot ry the multiplayer online yet....
it was me who said the graphics for this game is better than HALO.... :p






i prefer the graphics on the conduit over the halo...also...gameplay is very similar....IMO....came pretty damn good for a wii game

the controls are almost perfect once u set them right...default settings are lame :(

good solid game for the wii....

I think the particle effects are better in halo, like the blood spatter that's on the floor in the halo screen shot you put up. either way, I don't care that much about the graphics as I have a regular tv(not HD). Too me, the conduit graphics are excellent when you consider it's a wii game.
Yea that is true, online mode is pretty cool, I think it is first game for wifi with a ranking system. Story itself seems short. The controls are nice and the game is suprisingly good from what I thought. Since its a wii game...
it was me who said the graphics for this game is better than HALO.... :p






i prefer the graphics on the conduit over the halo...also...gameplay is very similar....IMO....came pretty damn good for a wii game

the controls are almost perfect once u set them right...default settings are lame :(

good solid game for the wii....

You are comparing screenshots from the conduit campaign and halo multiplayer. I believe that halo multiplayer graphics are much much better than the conduit multiplayer graphics. I cant speak for the campaigns since i havent really played much of either
Thank God, finally I got the game! :D I can say that I'm very pleased with it. The graphics are the best I've seen on Wii, they are very detailed and generally are not blurred, or at least not as Wii games use to have. I haven't advanced much into the missions, just got to the 4th, but man I found it pretty challenging, specially for the last part of the 3rd mission, which took me like 2 hours!! maybe I'm not good at it :p Haven't been able to play in multiplayer though.

Overall I enjoyed playing it a lot, and I can say that certainly it was the game I was waiting for; it is good to have hardcore games for Wii like this. I give it a 9.4
Story mode is way too short. I had ~55% completed within 2-3 hours and I'm the type of gamer that takes his time on games instead of rushing completion. I played a little on WFC and it was fun for the most part. I think it's the best FPS for wii but then again that isn't saying much. I hope this game sells well and sends a message to other developers so we can get more multiplayer FPS games.

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