What is your favorite game?

Mario Kart 7? ... Really?
Lots of people like it, about 80% of the random people I meet on StreetPass still play either that or New Super Mario Bros. 2.

Honestly, I got bored after unlocking everything and beating everyone online. Now I just play Awakening (FTW!).
6. super smash bros melee
7. Soul Calibur 2
8. a link to the past
9. wind waker
10. twilight princess

everyone entitled to their own opinion, there you no reason slag them about it, so growup act your age
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Considerin' you're already on thin ice for all the rules you've been breakin', you best watch what you're sayin'. Where in my post did I insult ya for likin' the game? I was legitimately curious as to why MK7 was so high on your list of favorite games, as I've yet to play the game; probably won't either way since I'd rather get Mario Kart U.

Protip: don't be so hasty t' assume a neutral comment is negative in connotation. Life's mighty easier that way.
inb4 assasin rages

... Just noticed I never posted my favorite vidya gaem here, since we have a shitton of these threads and I lose track. The honor goes to Red Dead Redemption.
inb4 assasin rages... Just noticed I never posted my favorite vidya gaem here, since we have a shitton of these threads and I lose track. The honor goes to Red Dead Redemption.
TP is very much an updated Ocarina. That's fine.Oh, and Xenogears for favorite game. A flawed masterpiece indeed.
Sonic all star racing transformed >Mario Kart

Rank outsider PacMan world rally

I shall compose my list of "Games that if you think are rubbish you are an idiot"

Sonic all star racing transformed >Mario Kart

Can't have a final opinion without playin' it extensively, but from what I've seen I disagree. Only thing better in the former is a significant lack of blue shells.
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It has something worse
inverts controls and the CPU is mostly unaffected

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