What is your favorite game?

I would of thrown down Deus EX, but if you haven't played that then you should stop talking about what games are good and bad and play it
I specifically remember us having a discussion on tinkerin with the deus ex maldavian mod. So yes, I've played it to the point where I use LAMS to skip entire levels, except Deus Ex is actually a FPS/RPG hybrid.
Not to mention FPS/RPG hybrids started with System Shock, but that can also fit into the horror genre.
Capcom vs SNK card fighters clash(>Pokemon)

Everything has a ****ing card series these days, collectable, playable, whatever... And don't any of you say otherwise, or god save your soul for being ignorant to this.


Speaking of FPS horror games... Who else is ****ing disappointed Silent Hill is turning into a top-down shooter?

I specifically remember us having a discussion on tinkerin with the deus ex maldavian mod. So yes, I've played it to the point where I use LAMS to skip entire levels, except Deus Ex is actually a FPS/RPG hybrid.
Not to mention FPS/RPG hybrids started with System Shock, but that can also fit into the horror genre.
It was aimed at everybody that says that "FPS WAR SHOOTER 2011" is good, but have never played any of the others
I like more the classic SNES, NES and GB Color games, they're my childhood and part of my teenage.
Metroid and Pokemon Series are my favorites. I love both of them, but my favorite game ever is SUPER METROID, a classic of 24 megabits. If you have not play it yet..... sorry for you, it's an awesome game like the other Metroid games but S.M. is the best of all to me... Epic boss battles (Ridley and M.B.)
I don't dislike the recent games they are also awesome in their ways (Gameplay, History, Game modes...) Like Halo, Halo Combat Evolved never revolutioned the FPS gameplay to me and many others, i think they just made a good Multiplayer, Cod is the same (I love MW2 because of that), Gears of war is a kind of a mix with a good FPS game, some Gore (You must agree with this when you see the Lancer's Chainsaw) and a Dramatic history; and blablablaaaaa.....anyway it's awesome.

But in the end of this everybody have their own opinions
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^ And which Zelda is it that you favor over the others? I find a tie between A link to the past and Ocarina.
my favs have to be paper mario, all pokemons, legend of zelda skyward sword, (by the way it is a awesome game) ssbb, and lots more

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