What is you favorite name?

Byuakuya said:
Yeah they must be born with sensors that tell them to only destroy the most expensive or the most cherished items.

Like your soul.


Speaking of names...

I have my confirmation and have to pick and extra name on 13th May and I was thinking of Leah because that's my cousin... Who I totally clash with. Suggestions? (Yeah, that means I will have 4 names, odd thing, Catholicism :eek:ut: )
I used to date a girl named Gidget, "yeah, I know, wierd name" but I liked it! Shalyce, Foxworthy, Joe, or uhhh Marcus.
Here are my top 5 names :
1. Jessie
2. Edna
3. Ddwina
4. Jeremy
5. Zacharia

lol at names 2 - 5, they aren't my fave names really . just thought they were funny
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Darkprinny said:
To sound cooler try adding Lee to your name

Mike lee

no thats just bad cos mine will be kyle lee and say it and ittl sound like kylie which is not good

favourite name would be damien

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