What is the longest time you've played your Wii?

14 hours an all day session on SMG, Wii sports, and Sonic Riders. Not to mention a couple game-cube games ( played on the Wii) like melee feel free to add or disclude those three hours. So either 14 or 17 hours of play with friends I was a little dizzy lol. :yikes: :shocked: :wtf: :scared: :sick:
12 hours on Zelda, that is probably the only time I have played a game for that long, running up to that was Red Steel for 5 hours straight.
You guys are nuts with TP! First time I played it it was like 4 hours - now if I play it it's 1.5 hours before I'm bored. But that's just me.

So my best is four hours but I loan my wii to a friend and I see messages on it like - Simcity: 9:36. That's crazy! But I remember being young and playing NES till I passed out - and I turned out half decent, so so what ...
Byuakuya said:
I have never played a console longer than 2 hours at one sitting. I may come back after an hour's break or so, but never a marathon at one sitting.
Same, the longest i ever played a game ON THE WII would probably be mario galaxy, strikers got me too pissed off (quit after bout an hour) Metroid got stale because i felt kind of weird playing it with people watching.( played about an hour + 30 min's max per 3 days for a month or so) Twilight princess (Very addicted but once i got the magic armor or whatever i just stopped playing because the snow place bored the hell out of me.) and then theirs mario galaxy ( max played : 2 hours )

I have a major problem with games, if they last too long then i tend to just stop playing, and if i beat the game but not completely i usually try to beat it but get bored when very close, like Mario Galaxy, i just started playing it again, with only 110 stars (Mario)

pm me if you have a 'solution' to that problem of myne :p
me and my friend are planning on beating camaron banga's time to beat wind waker , on the wii obiously, we wont do it, but its gonna be fun, it'll be over 12 hours straight i guess
Well I don't like to brag, but...

Oh, right... I think I played RE4 for about 6 hours straight one night.
I've played quite a few games for over 8 hours in one sitting. Zelda TP, MP3, Trauma Centre and The Godfather all got a good 8 hours each.

Most other games i usually play for about 2 hours.

In the old days i played some games all night long but that was before there was such things as 'saved games'.
LevesqueIsKing said:
Well I don't like to brag, but...

Oh, right... I think I played RE4 for about 6 hours straight one night.

thats a really addictive game IMO, i freakin love it
In 1 sitting ? I would say 8 hours. Woke up early in the morning. Played PGA Tour 08, Ghost N' Goblins, Metal Slug Anthology, and Bleach: Shattered Blade. Got other things to do thats more important them games at times :p

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