What is the longest time you've played your Wii?

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SensesFail said:
12 and a half hours playing resident evil 4 while my friend watched (that was split up by some 2 player VC games) and no im not a bad host, he actually enjoys watching games like that rather than playing them.

it was 12.5 hours well spent in my opinion. LOVE THAT GAME!!! lol

Maybe you just thinks he enjoys it. lol
I remember I used to tell my friend that I enjoyed watching him play, but deep down inside I wanted to play so bad.
SensesFail said:
12 and a half hours playing resident evil 4 while my friend watched (that was split up by some 2 player VC games) and no im not a bad host, he actually enjoys watching games like that rather than playing them.

it was 12.5 hours well spent in my opinion. LOVE THAT GAME!!! lol

YES resident evil 4 i played that for like 8 hours with a mate watching it was weird he enjoyed it as well... longest i ever played wii probly 10 i used to do alot more on nes64 and gamecube... i have done like 15H on computer games before
i had a cold the other day and had to stay home from work...

...13 hours... of ZELDA OCARINA OF TIME!

god i love that game.
I have never played a console longer than 2 hours at one sitting. I may come back after an hour's break or so, but never a marathon at one sitting.
4 hours at the max OMFG some ppl on here are Wii crazed they love there Wii so much there gonna...................:ihih: :shifty:
Prob about a twelve hour Zelda sesh i think....

Played Rayman 1 for like 9 hours (with mates but mainly me) and had to stop due to the unbelivable pain in my forearms - it was worse than a long session at the gym!

In the past i think i played FFVI (III on SNES) for like a whole weekend with little sleep...but then it is the best game ever IMO.
I've had 5-hour play sessions on both Twilight Princess and Guitar Hero III. But I once played Wind Waker for 9 hours straight...that's actually the longest I've played a game in one sitting.
15 hours or so, on TP.

Though yesterday was a pretty long day also, except it was across two systems. I played the Orange Box for roughly 7 hours, took a break and went out to buy No More Heroes. I came back with that and was instantly hooked and played for 4 hours, only stopping because I was so tired. It was like 3am.
PS im not kidding
one sunday i had nothing to do so i play wii for the whole day on all differrnt games
since 7 am to 11pm
i got gh3 yesterday and we came home at 8 and me and my sister played tile 1 then today we played 1 hour and beat the game =) and we plan on playing normal lol we played it on easy we truely suck

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