What do you think of Wii Play?

Well if you take out the value of the Wii mote I payed £5 for it. Its not a great game but its not crap, I play it when I'm bored or have friends round so yeh its worth the money.
It's definitely worth the purchase if you need another remote. I like several of the games. Tanks is my favorite but I also like the Air Hockey, Pool, Pose a Mii, and find a mii. I used a 10% off coupon at Best Buy so essentially the game was $5. Well worth the price of admission. Great complement for showing off the Wii's capabilities.
my thoughts are it's just an average game, if you need the extra remote and want 9 mini games in 1 then hell yeah go for it...

think Nintendo knew it wouldn't sell on it's on hence the bundle
I have a friend who got it... he already had 4 wiimotes, so he gave the one with the game to me (saved $40 on my second controller)... We were playing the tank game like crazy, trying to get to the end of it...

We made it to level 16 twice, but died both times... I'm probably going to buy it just so I can get a 3rd wiimote and an extra game for $10 more...

Fishing was pretty easy for me to figure out... The fish seemed to nibble 3 times then grab the hook, which if you then yanked upwards would catch you the fish... However another friend I have couldn't figure it out herself after loosing to 3 different people, the latter two of whom were playing for the first time.
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bobbyt said:
Fishing was pretty easy for me to figure out... The fish seemed to nibble 3 times then grab the hook, which if you then yanked upwards would catch you the fish...

Yeah, I agree completely. Fishing was very simple (much more easier than LOZ: TP). It's an easy game to pick up, which is why I like it much. :D
video game master said:
I didn't buy it since i have 4 wii-motes but my friend has it and all i like is tanks

I read somewhere that the Wii allows up to 5 Wii-motes simultaniously...
You should get it. =P
I liked the Duck-Hunt-ish game, billiards and the tank game. The rest are just so-so. It's been said before but the best reason to pick it up is the extra remote.

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