What do you think of Wii Play?

i think im going to get it jujst for the wiimote. but its worth 10$ at least im sure.
If you need extra remote then you should get it. I found it cheaper at one uk store than most places charged for the controller on its own. It's a perfect game for showing off the Wii to older members of the family as they can get the hang of it quick.

Its fun to get platinum medals on all of them, quite tricky on some.
My favorites are Tanks, Charge, Laser Hockey (really should be Neon Hockey :)), and Nine-Ball.

A quick question on Find Mii -- when you get to the screen where it tells you to pick the "two odd ones out", what is the meaning of "oddness" there?
hey for what its worth, i like it.

its simple, its fun, its user friendly, its low impact and quite frankly i enjoy it. when i heard about it, igot excited and the fact that it came with a remote i was even more estatic.

but i read reviews from people who had it in the UK on this site and i just kinda got bummed out and suddenly became reluctant to spend the money on it. however, we needed that remote so it turned out to be a bargin for 49.99$ at toys r us (my bf and i originally went into gamestop and the kid behind the counter said GOOD LUCK FINDING IT!!! next stop we went in was TRU and there it was)

when my bf and i played it at his friends house (we packed up the wii and brought it over the day we got wiiplay so we didnt play it either yet) and we had a blast doing it! find mii was great, tanks is fun, and the shooting....well come on self explanitory!

all and all, for what it is- a simple game with simple graphics done tastefully- its a good game
i just got it last night for my birthday. i honestly don't know what you people are complaining about. i could see if you bought it just for the game- if you did, you're a complete retard. but if you need an extra remote, great freakin deal! the way i see it, its a 10 dollar game. 10 dollars will buy you what, a two hour movie? and how much time will i probably spend playing this? a lot more than two hours. no, its not in depth at all, but its a lot of fun. 10 bucks doesn't buy all that much these days, and i think its a hella good deal.
It's a no brainer if you need the extra Wiimote. If you don't, don't buy it. I will say this though...the billiards game is great example of How great a good a full blown billiards game could potentially be on Wii. I really like it...but the replayability factor of the games wears thing quickly.

Are there platinum medals? I just assumed gold was tops...assumed it was the olympic sense of gold/silver/bronze. What criteria do you have to meet for the platinum medals?

And what's the secret to good success on catching the nibblers? I lose them 9 out of 10 strikes it seems like.
ScuzzBuster said:
It's a no brainer if you need the extra Wiimote. If you don't, don't buy it. I will say this though...the billiards game is great example of How great a good a full blown billiards game could potentially be on Wii. I really like it...but the replayability factor of the games wears thing quickly.

Are there platinum medals? I just assumed gold was tops...assumed it was the olympic sense of gold/silver/bronze. What criteria do you have to meet for the platinum medals?

And what's the secret to good success on catching the nibblers? I lose them 9 out of 10 strikes it seems like.

There are plantanium medals - pretty hard to aquire.
FR. said:
There are plantanium medals - pretty hard to aquire.

i only have platinium in the shooting game. everything else is gold and find me/tanks is silver.

billiards pisses me off cause its 60 to platinium and i scored a friggen 57! :(
Its a lot of fun if you like getting medals and high scores. Your achivements make it to the message board. I had a hard time getting platinum on the air hockey game.

Note: its a 1-2 player game
macdrenalds said:
yea what does "pick the odd mii out" mean?
If it's the one where they walk, watch the feet pattern. If they are looking back and forth look for the ones looking the wrong way from the rest of the crowd.

The_Loose_Cannon said:
i only have platinium in the shooting game. everything else is gold and find me/tanks is silver.

billiards pisses me off cause its 60 to platinium and i scored a friggen 57!
I have the same problem in billiards. I wish I knew HOW to hit a perfect score.

I have platinum in Find Mii at like 85 (my favorite game on the disc, and yes I know I am the minority here), Platinum on the cow riding game (also LOVE that), and silver on Tanks (hate the game), silver on the bubble one, and gold on the rest. I get frustrated with the hockey game because I cannot seem to get enough points with the time given.

I think this game was worthwile. It's fun, simple and I can turn it on for a few minutes at a time when I have some free time.
Definately a must buy, an extra wiimote and 11 fun 2 player games for £5.
Billiards is awesome, a perfect example of why the Wii is truely next gen, and makes all the past attempts at this type of game suddenly seem very old fashioned.

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