What character(s) do you hate most? REDONE

Meta haters!! stand down... your just jelous.

I see a big waste of time being the triple fox series. I think either falco or wolf should be taken out. 3 of them is to much, due to there moves being based off of eachothers. Fox was first in the series, so he probably wont go. But in the next ssb I dont want to see 3 charecters related.
You make a good argument. But, the StarFox series hasn't seen much representation in recent years, so I think Nintendo wanted to remind everyone that the series still existed. But instead of Wolf, I think Slippy would've been fun to have in the game. He would have a totally different moveset, one maybe similar to DiddyKong's? They should've put a SF character with a little more diversity in there.
Star fox wii
The Nintendo game designer Shigeru Miyamoto has shown interest in creating a Star Fox game for the Wii console in the future. As of now, however, no plot has been announced, and Q-Games president Dylan Cuthbert has expressed reluctance to return to the series,[7] although this doesn't rule out a game from another developer. Miyamoto has suggested the Wii Remote would work well for controlling an Arwing,[8] while series designer Takaya Imamura has also said he has a small idea on what Fox and Co. could engage in next time.[9] An interview with a series producer Dylan Cuthbert-who worked on Star Fox, Star Fox 64, and Star Fox Command-with G4 has shown that Dylan will most likely not be involved with a Star Fox title for the Wii; as he says that, "The Wii is a bit more of a toy..." Not to say that there will be no future Star Fox title for the Wii, but just that Cuthbert probably would not be involved in its development

Well as you can see, theres debate on representing star fox at all on the wii. Could this be the end to the series? Even if so, fox will always be in ssb. As far as slippy, and having a diffrent move set, I would have to say: touche. I still wouldnt want a 3rd member from the sf series, or any series for that matter, but it would be better then 3 clones. Mayby fox and slippy? except, slippy was never a fighter in the series, and when he did, he was known for being the weekest.
Star fox wii

Well as you can see, theres debate on representing star fox at all on the wii. Could this be the end to the series? Even if so, fox will always be in ssb. As far as slippy, and having a diffrent move set, I would have to say: touche. I still wouldnt want a 3rd member from the sf series, or any series for that matter, but it would be better then 3 clones. Mayby fox and slippy? except, slippy was never a fighter in the series, and when he did, he was known for being the weekest.

Oh, I've never seen that article. Your logic is sound. I agree, Slippy was seen as rather pathetic in most or all situations throughout the series. But I think I know where you're coming from. Most series that have several or more characters are usually the characters I am reluctant to play as. More variety and less repetitivity would have brought Brawl to potentially break the rating scale.
Im pretty sure super smash brothers brawl was #1 on the wii ratings scale for a long time.

Heres what the big companies rated brawl:
IGN 9.5 / 10
VideoGamer 9 / 10
Eurogamer 9 / 10
Gaming Age A
Extreme Gamer 88 / 100
Worth Playing 9.5 / 10
GameZone 9.5 / 10
Gamervision 10 / 10

I would have to agree. SSB series was the only series I went pro on, and is one of the best series ever made. But besides some common known facts, this thread and idea is opinonated. There is no right answer, and this question will never die. But I have spoke my opinion. Ill make a list later, if this thread lives, of the "opinions" of wiichat & the charecters they want gone or redone.
I have to argue against the Star Fox trio beings clones.

Moves being based on eachother wouldn't exactly make them clones, Last. I'll start with B moves. Let's compare Fox's Laser to Falco's. Every smash player should know Falco's laser has a flinching/minimal knockback effect, and can't be rapid fired. While Fox's laser is rapid fire, but has no knockback. There's an instant difference there; both different reasons to use the moves.

Fox uses his blaster to add up damage, and put a bit of pressure on the enemy. It's not all that useful. While, Falco can semi-gimp enemies with his blaster, camp, interupt on coming approaches, and even combo with his blaster. Their uses are completely different, the damage done is completely different. No clonage there.

Wolf's blaster is also completely different from the other two's. His blaster is not capable of any quick, repeating fire. To make up for it, it does more damage, and has a wider surface range. This distincts him from the others enough as is. However, since his blaster is bladed, he can also knock enemies away if they get too close. Since he can use his blaster at any distance not face to face, this distincts him very much from the other two.

B move not cloned.

Now, I can't argue much on their Side B's. Falco's and Fox's are cloned moves; one move, big deal. Falco's does semi-spike, but that's of little concern. However, Wolf's Side B is definatly not a cloned move. It does less knockback, but it has a large tipper effect on the end. This can spike, or have good knockback in either direction, depending on where you land the hit. Not to mention it goes up at an angle, allowing for better recovery, and disabling it from being used on a ground-born foe. I'm sure it's clear by now Wolf is the least cloned of them all.

Next, Up B. Fox's goes the longest distance and hits once, Falco's goes less but hits multiple times, a bit clonish, but the difference in the move still makes them more distinctable. Wolf's is the middle ground; a bit more power and damage than Falco's, but still multi hits. His recovery is pretty stiff though. A bit clonish of moves, but there's still differing properties.

Now, Down B. Fox's is the standard, it stops his decent, and gimps enemies. Falco's is the most useful for reflecting, since it throws back projectiles sooner than the others thanks to it's longer range. It can also disrupt approaches. Wolf's, though, isn't that different than Fox; except one very important thing. Invincibility frames. Wolf's Reflector has invincibility frames, letting him take any hit without taking damage, and flinching the enemy. A suprise disruptor that can lead to combos, too. Invincibility alone is enough to make the moves different. Not to mention Wolf's doesn't slow his decent like Fox's.

Ok, B moves covered. So Falco and Fox have a cloned Side B, and... that's it. Real clonish, aren't they? :p

I'll get into A moves now. It doesn't need to be explained much; take most of their A moves, and you'll have something different. U-smash: Wolf's has a two hit, Fox's has more power, is quicker, but is easy to DI out of, and Falco's has less power, but a better, longer lasting hitbox behind him.

F-smash: Fox's is simply a kick, good power and distance, but easy to DI. Falco's has more range, and a powerful hitbox near him. It also hits slightly behind him. Wolf's has crazy speed and range, but the ending lag and lack of good KO power seperates him from the others a lot.

N-air: Fox has a sex kick, simple. Falco weakly swipes his wings for 4 attacks, the last having knockback. Again, simple. Wolf spins around, which has knockback at first, but does very little damage afterwards. A bit similar to Falco's, but it has a lot of different uses ( and less, really; Falco's is a lot better).

See what I mean? Some of their moves can be similar, but they play different, and all have different flow, stats, and character mechanics. This isn't melee, Last. Clones don't exist in Brawl.
:lol: Ck ck ck, do you really think I dont know the diffrences? Me of all people. Haha, but to get down to the point (The answer is yes;I knew the diffrences quite well) I did call them clones, but its not to be taken in full value. I was saying that there moves are alike, and come from the same series. In my opinion there should never be more than 2 related charecters (series & style) and I was proposing that falco or wolf be removed. There should only be 2 sf charecters, and logicaly fox wouldnt go due to his 10+ years in SSB. Falco Should be removed, because (although there are diffrences) he is very closely related to fox, in every aspect. But since falco has made SSB twice so far, he wouldnt be removed lightly. Wolf varies enough that he should be able to stayb over falco, but has a higher chance of being removed.
Basically thats what I ment. >.>
The character I dislike is the ice climbers. I don't hate them, its just... they pretty forgetful. I hardly see any players use them. Their attacks are pretty annoying too. Still, I think they are kinda useless.
:lol: Ck ck ck, do you really think I dont know the diffrences? Me of all people. Haha, but to get down to the point (The answer is yes;I knew the diffrences quite well) I did call them clones, but its not to be taken in full value. I was saying that there moves are alike, and come from the same series. In my opinion there should never be more than 2 related charecters (series & style) and I was proposing that falco or wolf be removed. There should only be 2 sf charecters, and logicaly fox wouldnt go due to his 10+ years in SSB. Falco Should be removed, because (although there are diffrences) he is very closely related to fox, in every aspect. But since falco has made SSB twice so far, he wouldnt be removed lightly. Wolf varies enough that he should be able to stayb over falco, but has a higher chance of being removed.
Basically thats what I ment. >.>

Are you telling me my rant was for nothing? :p

Characters being "related" has nothing to do with it; Wolf doesn't relate to the other two at all, and as you said, Falco and Fox have their differences. You're basically saying they're clones with different wording, Last. :p Wolf is epic, and Falco's been there since Melee/has been an important main character in the series for awhile. Either of them removed? I say no. :p

And if Wolf does get removed, I say **** you to Sakurai. If I was a Wii fanboy (which I believe I am not, although I am Smash obsessed), I'd be spamming the smash team with hate mail. :p
the characters i hate the most would be... king dedede:fat-ass, olimar because without his pikmin hes nothing plus jigglypuff just because it is there instead of mewtwo... that bastard!
the characters i hate the most would be... king dedede:fat-ass, olimar because without his pikmin hes nothing plus jigglypuff just because it is there instead of mewtwo... that bastard!

Actually, Lucario is in Brawl instead of Mewtwo. You have no idea what you're talking about. :p

Olimar can get 6 Pikmin in about... .70 seconds, I think, so that's not an issue either.

... D3 annoys me as well, though. Damn B-air spamming, D-throw overusing douche bag...

fu*k yea that is tru but olimars final smash is good

Now now Hero, you know FS' don't make a character good or bad. :p Meta's FS is average, but he's the best in the game. Sonic's FS is probably the best, but he's only low tier.

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