What character(s) do you hate most? REDONE

Just sayin'. It may not be as fun, but turning off Smash Balls can even the playing field significantly (and should prevent Sonic from being a pain).
Just sayin'. It may not be as fun, but turning off Smash Balls can even the playing field significantly (and should prevent Sonic from being a pain).

of course ive already done that :D.
how ever it is funny to me when we fight over the smash ball LOL
Funny and competitive Brawling don't go hand in hand either. >.>; Or atleast, not most of the time.
of course ive already done that :D.
how ever it is funny to me when we fight over the smash ball LOL

Bio is just saying that if you find Sonic to be a bit broken, to remove the smashballs from play...

Now the characters I dislike in SSBB have to be Peach, Zelda/Shiek, Snake, Metaknight, and Pit. Yes I'm very hateful. Pikachu all the way ;)
I hate Lucas because of hes hair lool na kidding I just hate him because my main is Ness and it just annoys me to have to face him xD
I hate Lucas because of hes hair lool na kidding I just hate him because my main is Ness and it just annoys me to have to face him xD
Why do you dislike Lucas again?

As a Ness mainer I should be able to sympathize with your statements but I can't on this one.
Well, To be honest...There ain't actually a reason well there is but its nothing to do with Brawl, more of hes story in Mother 3... but apart from I just dilslike him.
Well, To be honest...There ain't actually a reason well there is but its nothing to do with Brawl, more of hes story in Mother 3... but apart from I just dilslike him.
You dislike Mother 3? Blasphemy!
Pfft yeh, Mother 2 was, and ''Is'' the best Ness Ftw.
...So you hate Mother 3 because you think Mother 2 was better?

I like grapes more than apples but that doesn't mean I dislike apples.

Plus have you even played Mother 3?

I honestly can't pick which I like better. They both have their own style about them.
Hmm i hate cheap ike abusers, Zelda side B spammers, and Pikachu down B spammers basically the people playing them not the characters themselves. And I just hate G&W no idea why?
Maybe because he has insane recovery and is annoying to kill?

I don't mind people who spam Pikachu's Down B (unless in a FFA), since it's easy to avoid. What gets annoying is people who spam Down Smash... that's a pain (though I'll admit it's hard not to use).

Zelda Side B campers are terrible to face on big maps... small maps it isn't really a big deal.

Luckily, I have enough friends on my list to delete any spammers that I end up adding.
Hmmm...I hate those ness spammers who use that smae ok taunt. I dislike ice climbers, wario, luigi, and olimar with a passion.

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