What Character do you hate facing the most?

Sonic. Even though I'm a Sonic user myself I still don't like facing him. Too fast.

Although Sonic vs. Sonic is fun :)
If you face a well trained Zelda player you can be in a lot of trouble. So my choice is Zelda.
In vBrawl, Sonic I find easy to counter.

But I haven't fought him in Brawl+... Yet

Remember when I owned you as Sonic in Brawl+? ... Yeah. ;D

1 word bowser! i hate him he can become giga bowser he can't be stopped!!!

... If such a slow character even gets a smash ball, ever heard of ledge hogging? :p

Final Smashes can be turned off via the Smash Ball item switch, or all items off/on switch in general. Not only that, but there's the risk your opponent can get one too. A character can't be good or bad because of it's Final Smash. It's too situational of a move to rate a character on.

Completely unnecesarry lecture, yes, but I love giving out lectures on FS'. =P
^ ... Didn't someone else say that? Or was that you previously?

Either way, they're both my mains, so... tough luck if you wanna Brawl. =P
Lol CK, they're mine too. I'm still clumsy with them as heck. My Wolf STILL can't find his way back on to the edge of FD, but my Meta just needs some more time to work with.
i got to play recently. man i hate lucas and his stupid overpowered U-smash. that and his stupid PK Fire caused the death of me. i'm way to out of practice
The two Ness and Lucas. I just find them annoying, not difficult to beat. I have found good Ness/Lucas players though.

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