What character(s) do you hate most? REDONE

@CK me not using a Grenade is like you not using MK's side tilt. You know that I need them in defeating Meta but I could try not to use them as much (even though it interferes with the Mach Tornado, Drill Rush, and Shttle Loop).
ohh gawd only 2 failers who hate jiggly haha well anywyays the chracter i most hate is diddy ... cuz he is very anoyying and i always hated him since ... he came on DK games ... actually he is not a bad brawler but he is very ugly
but i said he wasnt a bad fighter .. i said he was just anoyying .. and ... he is not that ugly there are uglier chars like bowser , ganon , cap falcon , olimar and others ^^
The hate on olimar will never change.But i hate pit even more.To be exact, i hate skings pit...-_-.
maybe thats what he means? lol anyway, mines ish Olimar, if you play an Olimar player most of the time they spam something like the forward smash, witch can be easily contoured but the annoying thing is, the grabbing range. The grabbing range annoys hell out of me as people tend to spam it, you can't chain it, its just spammable.

Olimar's smashes are more spammy then Pit's if you ask me.

Edit: Probably a stupid reason for hating him but it's painful past experienceses I had playing some cocky guy on my friends list(who got deleted for being an ass)so don't hate me for past experienceses and I forgot how to spell experience there.
Yes hero...ive come close to beating that gay angle but those damn moves that can be easily spammed...

Pit:The spam is on! -_- (gay angle)
theres no reason to h8 any character just because you get pwned by someone playing them and spamming um not many moves you can use but i agree useing the same move is a pain but that when you use sheild then do the dash which gets you behind them.
i dont hate any character, but i cant play that well with peach.... :frown5: :papermario:
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