What Are Your Three Best Games............

I'd have to say:

1)Zelda:Twilight Princess
2)Marble Mania
3)Red Steel

I know the last two probably won't be on anyones list, but those are about the only games I gots at the moment.
Resident Evil 4
Zelda: Twilight Princess
Super Mario Galaxy

But im sure when I get Super Paper Mario its gonna knock Galaxy down to 4th because I personally didnt find it too fun. 2D Platformers are more fun for me.
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  • #23
WOW Here is where we stand with your three best games so far:

Super Mario Galaxy 13
Zelda Twin Princess 10
Guitar Hereo III 7
Resident Evil IV 6
Metroid Prime 6
Medal Of Honors Hereos II 5
Wii Sports 3
Guilty Gear 2
Contra III 1
Sonic Secret Rings 1
FIFA 08 1
Marble Mania 1
Red Steel 1
Mario Strikes Charged 1
Halo 1

Keep your picks coming

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I would like to mention that Guily Gear on the Wii is only good when you play with a GC controller or the Classic controller. Wii-mote and Nunchuk combo suck! :sick:
ATM i would have to say my 3 best games are -
1. Galaxy
2. Twilight Princess
3. Umbrella Chronicles
This aside, I would HIGHLY recommend Sonic and the secret rings to any sonic fan its an awesome game and very underrated. ALso, my fav split screen game despite its criticisms is MOH:Vanguard; Very fun to play split screen.
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  • #27
WOW Here is where we stand with your three best games so far:

1. Super Mario Galaxy 13
2. Zelda Twin Princess 10
3. Guitar Hereo III 7
4. Resident Evil IV 6
4. Metroid Prime 6
6. Medal Of Honors Hereos II 5
7. Wii Sports 3
7. RE UC 3
9. Guilty Gear 2
10. Contra III 1
10. Sonic Secret Rings 1
10. FIFA 08 1
10. Marble Mania 1
10. Red Steel 1
10. Mario Strikes Charged 1
10. Halo 1

Keep your picks coming


I took this list to our local video store and got RE IV do the top two were out and we already have GHIII (PS3).

I do have to say RE IV is addicting as I have to take turns with my son as we take turns when one gets killed. Needless to say my turns take forever(cause he never dies :wtf: ) and well I am getting better LOL.

Keep your posts coming I am willing to try all games.
1. MP3:C
2. LoZ:TP
3. Battalion Wars (only cause Im getting MOHH2 and Galaxy for Christmas.)

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